What was your first fish

Actually, my first fish was a goldfish. I was about 4 when I won them.

My sister won one and I won one at a church field day .We had them in a little 3 gallon terrarium, with no filter.

We used distilled water for water changes. (My mom did all the work, but she did daily 100% water changes)

One day she used tap water instead of distilled water, killing the fish while we were at school.

Still beat myself up about it, knowing I could have done better. :(
I use to buy the same water didn't know anything about fish back then.
so cool! arent bettas and blue gouramies similar at the time of breeding? if so, could you give me some tips for successful breeding? Thanks in advance
They come from the same branch . They are so close there are supposedly some ppl who have cross breed them. They are anabatoids and are bubble nest breeders . So if you need any help . I can probably help ya
Wasn't exactly my fish but we shared the same house.

I remember my dad getting a huge tank when I was a kid. Looking back it was probably 4ft, looked massive to me.
It was cold water full of fancy goldfish, I absolutely loved it.
I can't remember their names, although Flakey springs to mind as one looked like he was covered in multi coloured fish flakes.

Good times.
Fairground Goldfish in late 60s.
Four bulgy eyed Goldfish/“Black Moors” (2+2) during 1970 World Cup.
Bag of young guppies in early 70s.
Badly advised community tank in early-late 90s.
Disaster zone community tank started last summer.
Species tank started last December iirc.

Future 6’ tank approved by Mrs Lurch a few weeks back.
I just realized I lied. My first fish was not a betta. My first fish were 2 goldfish my sister and I won at a fair while we were visiting family out of town. We brought them back to my grandma's house (where we were staying for our visit) and she gave us a half gallon vase and told us to fill it with pond water and feed them dry, stale bread. They died that day unfortunately. I felt awful, I probably cried but I can't remember, I was only 6 or 7
I just realized I lied. My first fish was not a betta. My first fish were 2 goldfish my sister and I won at a fair while we were visiting family out of town. We brought them back to my grandma's house (where we were staying for our visit) and she gave us a half gallon vase and told us to fill it with pond water and feed them dry, stale bread. They died that day unfortunately. I felt awful, I probably cried but I can't remember, I was only 6 or 7
I just realized I lied. My first fish was not a betta. My first fish were 2 goldfish my sister and I won at a fair while we were visiting family out of town. We brought them back to my grandma's house (where we were staying for our visit) and she gave us a half gallon vase and told us to fill it with pond water and feed them dry, stale bread. They died that day unfortunately. I felt awful, I probably cried but I can't remember, I was only 6 or 7
She must have forgotten to cycle the vase....
I am yet to own a fish. However, once the current tank is cycled it looks increasingly likely that my first fish will be a pair of Least Killifish. After someones raving review about them on here, I was sold!
The goldfish I mentioned in post #7 spent their first night at our house in a large mixing bowl from the kitchen and plain, undechlorinated tap water. One didn't make it through the night. The other three (a common and two comets) grew and grew in a 60 litre, 60 cm long tank (16 gallon,s 2 foot long) and 9 months later they went to live in someone's pond.
They come from the same branch . They are so close there are supposedly some ppl who have cross breed them. They are anabatoids and are bubble nest breeders . So if you need any help . I can probably help ya
ok so I will have them moved to a 30 gallon in a week or 2 I already have male and female, the tank is 1.2 meters long, dirted and planted with native Sumatran plant species, I have it planned to have 8 or 10 pangio anguillaris or mystus bimaculatus as the only other animal in the whole tank as to not disturb the couple, there are multiple hiding spots with the help of the plants, the rocks, and the wood. maybe a school of harlequin rasboras as diddler fish. the water has tannins and botanicals, 24 degrees celsius, Ph 7, Gh 200 ppm. what could you recommend to help them get in the mood?
My first fish is a hard one the first fish I was ever responsible for was a redtail catfish the first fish I ever bought out of my own pocket was a blue acara , I literally spent years of having free fish off people so Iv always closed my first fish an electric blue acara called Thor who I still own
I am yet to own a fish. However, once the current tank is cycled it looks increasingly likely that my first fish will be a pair of Least Killifish. After someones raving review about them on here, I was sold!
In a 240L tank you’ll never see them. I’ve five at the moment in a 39L species tank and I have to sit for a few minutes in front of the tank before I can see any.
Due to lockdown fish ordering problems I initially had to put them into my 120L. I wouldn’t see any for a week or so at times due to both the size of the tank and the activity of the other occupants.

They really need to be in a bigger group than I currently have in a smallish species only tank. Roughly £40 a pair inc postage on eBay at the moment so that’s out of the question for me unless there’s other fish in the order.
I use to buy the same water didn't know anything about fish back then.
Store bought dechlorinated water is definitely not as good for your fish as say Seachem Prime.

It’s so stupid that people buy that “Betta water” (I believe it’s a 1g bottle) for $8 a bottle, when I can buy and treat over 1,000g for $12. :dunno:
Way back in the olden days of 1965 when I was in Fourth grade a girl brought guppies for show and tell and said that whoever brought a jar the next day could have some. That was all I needed to hear. I got most of them and here I am now, 56 years later, still keeping fish. There were a few times when other things happened and I didn't have a tank set up and there were also times when I was into it like a fiend but I could never pass a pet shop or someone's tank without stopping to look. Oh, the question was what was your first fish ? It was guppies. Guppies are still cool fish. Toying with the idea of revisiting this old friend.

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