What ticks you off about customers?

I don't work at a LFS (YET,) but I'm in mine enough that I might as well be an employee, lol.
I hate hate HATE it when parents, who obviously know nothing about basic fish care, come in helping their kids pick out fish. I saw some guy and his probably 4 year old daughter looking at the African cichlids the other day and asking questions like "would this be ok in a 5 gallon?"
Luckily the fish the girl picked out ended up being about $30, so they left with nothing :lol:
I do sympathise with you; it must be VERY annoying to hear this drivel all day. Also very annoying to have posts on the web site which suggest that lfs staff are always wrong, which is clearly very unfair.
The only one I am not sure about is pointing out the dead- is that really such a bad thing that we must all stop doing it? In my nearest lfs at least one member of staff leaves dead infected fish behind when she is "cleaning" the tank, because she thinks it is "nature" that they should get eaten. I go in mid-day/afternoon and there is always a number of dead or dying fish in their tanks. I appreciate that casualties must happen, but surely it is in everybody's interest to check infection by removing the bodies?
If there is a perfectly good reason why you have not had the time to do this, why not just explain it? The customer may just need reassurance that this is a resonsible shop with a good policy; after all, choosing an lfs is a serious matter. Hand on heart would you choose a shop whose rotting bodies were the result not of a temporary lack of time, but of a deliberate policy? As a customer you do need to know.
maybe the dead ones is a bit off, but if it's a busy day and you have kids telling you about 'dead' fish all the time you have to try and get through a busy shop only to tap on the sign sayng the fish are under treatment and they aren't actually dead.

most of the time at work we're ontop of treatments but some one pointing out a outbreak of whitespot etc can be useful sometimes.
i went to my lfs yest and was shocked. there was a rotting dead fish still in the tank with guppies in and it was there last week too. looked like an albino catfish, all mangled in the plant poor thing. i saw a betta bouncing off the floor gaspingwith cloudy eyes and red gills, a clown loach being eaten and 2 fish half sucked into one of the filtersso you could only see their bellies. lfs worker said oh we check tanks every hour so i said well that rotting fish was there last week and these fish in the filter have been there longer than an hour. im never buying fish from htere again when i did i bought 7 fish and in 4 days 5 had died - ihad to really fight to get my money back too. for all those in the uk, the shop is pets at home which is a big chain!!
I'am not a LFS worker but my worst experiance is when............

My Friend Andrew foster(20-30's) and me (12) are chatting about my Kribs and a women and 2 kids come runing in having a conversation about geting a "nemo" for a Goldfish Bowl........................(I'll stop before i go to far)
Is the Nemo/Disney thing really so terrible ? I 'd have thought it encourages interest in the hobby. Although I guess when you spend all day explaining to customers that don't want to learn, that they can't keep Nemo in a goldfish bowl or a garden pond it must get frustrating. :hyper:
I always point out dead, clearly ill, or slightly dodgy looking fish. These places can get busy, I don't know how often the employees get to stand and watch the fish. If the employees don't want to hear it then all they need to do is say "Thank you sir, I'll take care of it" and go ***** to their work mates when I leave!

I like a fish shop employee who quizes me over what tank I have, what lives in it, asks me questions, and gives me good advice. It makes me think they are interested in their job and their fish, and I'll go back.

My other word of advice for a fish shop employee (in fact any employee, in any industry sector), would be that if you don't know, don't pretend you DO know, you'll get caught out, or might harm fish. Don't say "I haven't got a clue", as it undermines your credibility. Try saying "Let me just check on that/make sure/confirm the information I have" and then go ask a more experienced member of staff. That's a question of professionalism, and if there is one issue I find with employees of fish shops, it would be this- purely down to the fact that the employees are often so young, and don't have the experience. Very many times the employees (and often the younger ones who are totally dedicated to the hobby) know their stuff but don't necessarily always present themselves in the best way.

A few ideas for fish shops to take or leave (and it's a bit OT, hope that's OK):

If you've got loads of kids running round banging on tanks on a busy Saturday, getting under your feed shouting about Nemo etc, why don't you try this: Agree with your colleagues that one of you will gather the kids together, and give them a bit of a tour of the tanks. Point out some of the prettier fish. Show them the ones that are easy to look after, or stay small. Warn them about ones which get very large, or are aggressive, or require shoals- anything that relates to their care above and beyond whacking them in the tank. What you would find I'm sure would be: 1. The adults would listen and you'd get less people trying to buy inappropriately, 2. The kids will be fascinated and will follow you around keeping out of the way of the serious purchasers and your work mates, and annoying you less, 3. The parents will appreciate you for it, the whole experience will be less stressful for them, and you'll both sell more fish on the day and get more repeat business. Schedule it- maybe hourly at the busy times, maybe once a day in the week. Use it as both a selling point and a mechanism for bringing order to your shop.

Try to increase on the customer service. Do you have reference books on hand for staff and customers? Or a PC restricted to some fish sites in the favourates? Most inappropriate purchases will be down to lack of knowledge of one or both parties. You can't be in 6 places at once, let the ones who want to, take care of themselves.

Why don't you have forms for the person to fill in asking things like tank size, current stock, planting, water readings, substrate type, filtration, desired fish etc. This gives you the opportunity to assess (a) that what they want to buy is suitable (and alternatives if not), and (B) selling areas (more plants, test kits, alternative/supplemental food, larger tank). Make it high enough quality and they can keep it and bring it back each time- kind of like a file. You get them doing that and yours will be the only shop people ever go to.

It's a worry that any fish shop employee has a problem with staff beyond people insisting on buying inappropriate fish (and in fact have you spoken to your boss about whether you should be selling like this). It is your job to manage your customers, screaming kids and know-it-alls included. You do have the opportunity to help yourself though :)
my biggest anoyance is
kids trying to make the puffers puff up :grr:
it just makes me want to make them puff up (ie Scare them)
I must hear nemo said about 20 times a day and do you sell chips with that 5 times a week.
In theory Jules, everything you say makes sense.

However, as an LFS employee myself, a large majority of the customers do not know enough about their fish. Obviously, you get customers who put great time and money into their tanks and consider every purchase with great detail, but for someone like that, they would probably feel it unecessary. The file you suggested would only work for beginners who rely upon LFS staff to point them in the right direction and make sure that their tank is ok, yet experience tells me that someone i sell a 60 or 96l Juwel tank to is more interested in a bit of colour than their test readings... I would love for all the customers to have logs but in reality, it wouldn't work.

With regards customer service, where i work, any member of staff would be able to adequately assist a customer with regards fish. We don't offer a computer with fish sites bookmarked, but we do have a large range of aquarium books that any customer should they wish to do so can pick up and have a quick read.

The hourly tour of the tanks again sounds like a good idea, but IME kids just don't have the concentration. Most of them want to buy 'Nemo' so what happens when you get to the marine tanks and tell them they can't have one, I'd personally prefer to briefly explain the setup required to parents and go from there. At peak times, the area around the tanks are very busy, lets say we had one LFS employee and 8 children, that would be obstuct the isles and get in the way of other customers. I feel that customers who are going to buy fish would greatly appreciate any help i can offer, but personally and not to their children..

I find that there are many people out their who are genuinely interested in the well being of their fish and will listen intently to what i or one of my colleagues have to say but not to the extent that we are all here so they might not want to test their water (which is crazy!) or fill in detailed logs..

The customer is always right, so people who work at LFS's always have to maintain politeness even to the rudest of customers, we get abuse on here but we do our best... I think its unfair to categorise and say LFS workers annoy me... or customers annoy me... There are some less than knowledgeable LFS workers but there are also some frustratingly rude and ignorant customers. There's not a lot that customers do wrong, if they want a Nemo, then you have to explain the requirements of Clownfish... If they stil want a Nemo then great. If you have dead fish in a tank then for the reputation of the shop then its good be told by a customer, just not shouted across the shop! Customers that come in and when i tell them a clown loach or bala shark is too big for their 60l tank that then go to the managers... They annoy me - but its alright 'cuz he just says the same lol.

Wow that was a long post! I love my job and looking after the fish and its great when you know you have given someone some information that leads to a better life for their fish etc...

I don't work in a LFS yet (moohaha, i have a job oppertunity for when i'm older though :shifty: ), but a lot of this sounds familiar... When you go to pets at home 2 or 3 times a week, you hear an awful lot of the 'Nemo!', and TBH I'm noticing a Little Britain theme :p 'I want that one!'... 'Yeah, but, no but!'.... etc. Hehehe... Luckilly the workers (well, some of them) stop the silliest stuff, like this person that wanted a load of the mixed malawi cichlids. Most people seem willing to learn though, but what annoys me is when someone asks 'Is it true they grow to the size of the tank?' and the worker says yes (not trying to start a debate) when it clearly says on the label that goldfish or whatever grow to xcm and I really wonder whether there would be any point in saying that if it was true (well, healthy. Whatever.)
Jules H-T said:
I like a fish shop employee who quizes me over what tank I have, what lives in it, asks me questions, and gives me good advice. It makes me think they are interested in their job and their fish, and I'll go back.
Thats the same way for me.
If I feel a worker at my lFS (Witch, believe it or not, its petco thats closest to me. Its a very good, clean one. Never in my whole expirence had a problem with them....) really is intrested in what I have to say, or in my tank set up, I'll go back again and keep looking. I DO like it when some one tells me their appinion on the fish I am looking at, or a new setup, ect.

I have a good friend that works there, her name is Jen. She knows my fish (Shes sold me every fish kI own), my tanks, and my PH Level, Nitrate level, ect (Even though it can very, I usally tall her how my tank is)

We have created a sort of trusting bond. She knows what I like, and I know I can trust her. She has some pretty intresting stories to tell people of her own.......(She has 14 Freshwater tanks, ranging from 10Gs-200Gs. And 4 SW tanks ranging from 75Gs- 200Gs)

I think a realationship with the cusomers is one of the most important part. My lfs (Petco) has a large selection of fish (What I think of anyways. They have about 20 Display tanks) and a large group of friendly workers. I look other places (Like walmart(I still refuse to buy from them though) , Pet Junction, ect)

So I guess what I'm saying is, get close to the costomer. It makes them feel better, you feel better, and you boss happier with the sales...
i can only imagine how many nemo fish have died form careless fish owners who want to recreate the movie my dad has 2 clown fish in his 75 saltwater tank and they are awsome and he take really good care of em but ill bet more than one nemo has died trying to recreate the movie
the fish and chips thing really gets to me.

With the 'Nemo Nemo!!!' shrieks, yes it's good they're interested, but it does really get on your nerves. Kid's who call ANYTHING with orange and black stripes Nemo are annoying.

At the place I was working at, I overheard a girl talking to her friend:

"I want a goldfish"
"Don't get a goldfish... They are really boring. I had one and it just stayed alive and wouldn't die and in the end I had to kill it."
grrrrrrrrrrrrr :X :X :X :look:

I was in a public aquarium once and overheard someone...
"Oh look it's a goldfish!" It was an orange chromis swimming around in a reef.
Without the bad customers there would be no one to encourage you to go and seek more gainful employment.
well i wroked today, and we nearly got sued!

A Man was lifting his small daughter (around 5/6 years old) up into the air and showing her the RD/Midas tank
In that tank (roughly 70 gallons) we have one massive rd/midas. who doesn't like anything with him in his tank. that includes fingers (yes, water changes on that tank are near imposible)
So the little girl thought the fish was saying hello (it was trying to attack her through the glass) so she stuck her fingers in the tank and before i could say "stop", the midas had grabbed on to the index finger and wouldn't let go for a good minute before i through in a few feeders to distract it.

The girl was screaming and howling(the fish drew blood from the finger) and the father came up to my boss and said "You'll be hearing from my lawers this tonight"
luckily nothing has happened yet
irresponsible parents....


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