What Stocking In My 9 Ft Tank As A Community

30 cories?!!!! thats an insult! have at LEAST 50! seriously though, you wont regret it
yeah i know but theyre buddy dear lol ill just build over time as i was thinking its not that much 30 but hey ok heres what it will be

150 cardinal tetra
50 bleeding heart tetra
50 Columbian tetra
50 rummy nose tetra
20 angels (could i have 30)
20 rainbows
50 cories
6 bn plecs
10 female bettas (dunno yet mixed reviews)
Female bettas are less likely to be picked at by angels as they have short fins and are pretty inconspicuous. They'll blend with the other similar sized fish. Also, add them first if you do get them.

A male betta in with that lot would be a total no no.
yeah obv the male is a no go

angels will only be small to start

the females im thinking of getting from tank shut downs so i know there females

as if i got from lfs and some/one turned out to be a male then catching would be hard

could i get say 10 random females and add them or would they just kill each other or does it have to be a established group
Angelfish really only batter long finned bettas, which both females and plakats are not. Not only that but the tank is massive, they would hardly cross paths anyway, unlike if it were a 3 or 4ft tank.

Rummynose will be fine with your other fish and most likely school the tightest.

And while you probably could easily go for 30 angelfish, I would personally stick with the lower number. Then when you add those 20 in you would be better able to judge just how much space they will take up and if increasing them to 30 would be feasible.
Don't think anyone has mentioned rasbora's. Might be nice to have 30 or so Harlequins in there.
yeah dont really want any rasbore or khuli loaches
150 cardinal tetra
50 bleeding heart tetra
50 Columbian tetra
50 rummy nose tetra
20 angels
20 rainbows
50 cories
6 bn plecs
10 female bettas

could i have any rosy barbs
150 cardinal tetra
50 bleeding heart tetra
50 Columbian tetra
50 rummy nose tetra
20 angels
20 rainbows
50 cories
6 bn plecs
10 female bettas

could i have any rosy barbs
you could try a group of wild bettas. you can have males and females together and they wont fight. you could have about 3m and 9f
dont really want wilds

any one know about the rosy's
impatient sod

what ??????? im not

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