What Stocking In My 9 Ft Tank As A Community

like 6inch max

and like the zebras idea
well i assume all your stats have always been good? as long as you don't get any big bottom dwellers or any bigger fish, you would need lots of bottom cover like piles of slate and tubes etc. say you wanted 6 zebra plecs, thats £300, what most people pay for 2, leave them to it and when the time is right they will breed, if you just left them to it you could end up with a lot in that tank, just an idea, obviously you could do the same with any of the small plecs, could try L134 leopard frogs, you would have to search about, i think there is a thread pinned in the plec section with a list of plecs that stay under 8 inch.
1 x crocodile, now that would be cool!!!!

i personally love rummy nose tetras.

with a tank that big i expect most of your fish that breed in captivity will do. i would probably go for small numbers of them first and let them breed. it would be amazing to watch in a tank of that size. like dave said pick something rare and you can cash in onit aswell to fund your hobby.

i think the group of 20angels would look amazing all the same colour with lots of floating plants would look stunning.
mmm i dunno what plec the zebras a re too dear tnh never really added it up (obv i could do it slowly but still) and plecs that arnt too dear

so what about

150 cardinal tetra
50 bleeding heart tetra
50 Columbian tetra
20 angels
20 rainbows
30 cories
6 plecs (not sure on type yet) (maybe bn if cant think of any i can afford)

could i have some hillstream loaches
mmm i dunno what plec the zebras a re too dear tnh never really added it up (obv i could do it slowly but still) and plecs that arnt too dear

so what about

150 cardinal tetra
50 bleeding heart tetra
50 Columbian tetra
20 angels
20 rainbows
30 cories
6 plecs (not sure on type yet) (maybe bn if cant think of any i can afford)

could i have some hillstream loaches
hillstreams like cooler temps around 24c so may not be compatable with angels and bleeding hearts
I know you said you don't like geophagus but


I just got myself 6 of these (well, altifrons not surinamensis, but essentially they look the same) and they are lovely!! If you don't want to spend much you have to get them quite small, and they don't grow that fast I don't think.

Have you thought about opaline/blue/gold gouramis? All the same species and make very nice random pretty coloured fish. I have 5 in my 6ft with no problems so you could get away with a lot in your tank.
They will also breed for you - mine have started making bubble nests.

Bristlenoses are nice little bottom dwellers, but beware - they WILL breed and you will end up with a lot - if that doesn't bother you much then you should get some. Note you can get them in albino, calico and longfin and any combination of longfin + colour, so you could get some good-looking fish even if you do settle on BNs.

Umm ... do you like rams? If your water is soft and acidic enough you could get some rams - they are very nice fish.

I'm running out of ideas lol - what about some small cats too? Or one or two medium sized cats?

Also - a sharky! A ruby shark or something just for the presence really.

I could really have a field day with a tank the size of yours :lol:
just thought id add, if you go onto my thread on my girlfriends 125 community thing that hillstream loach there is perfectly fit and healthy and lived at 27 celsius for 2 years before i sold it, still in perfect health and was full grown at 2".
yeah thats what made me think theyde be ok in tropical dave but also thought i may not have any as i may not see them much

so if i had

150 cardinal tetra
50 bleeding heart tetra
50 Columbian tetra
20 angels
20 rainbows
30 cories
6 plecs (not sure on type yet) (maybe bn)

(could i have some male guppys)
i like the idea of male guppys but dont know if the angels would or the tetras would dislike them
i like the idea of male guppys but dont know if the angels would or the tetras would dislike them

a 9ft tank..........

lots and lots of options including some monsters

i have mentioned this before but i would love a british river system tank

at 9ft with a good flow i think you could do it

minnows, gudgeon, perch -- gamble , small bream, maybe some brown trout..........pike would be amazing but i think you would need a far bigger tank for them, dace, roach, rudd, ruff, or even sticklebacks ..........i think it could be a fascinating project
If you share similar tastes as me you should look at:
-Congo Tetras
-Splashing Tetras
-Common Hatchetfishes
-Long Nosed Distichodus
-Silver dollars
-Blind Cave Fishes
-Angelicus Pictus Catfishes
-Parrot Cichlids
-Striped Julies
-Devil Fishes
-Half Beaks

I reckon they would all look pretty sweet in a cave themed tank, if your looking for something a little alternative...
yeah i know what you mean but ive always liked guppys

so i was thinking

150 cardinal tetra
50 bleeding heart tetra
50 Columbian tetra
50 rummy nose tetra (if theyre any good)
20 angels
20 rainbows
30 cories
6 plecs (not sure on type yet) (maybe bn)
50 guppys (not sure if theyle be compatible)

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