What Stocking In My 9 Ft Tank As A Community

heres the link to the 540us planted,

what about getting a load of clown loaches, grow them up and make some money.. :good:
thats really cool howmany clown loaches could i have in there

also how many bn's
Get about 30 red belly piranhas not sure how much you could have but might be worth looking into.
Dont know mate, they max at a foot long, but take like forever to get there, but in a tank that size they should grow quick,then you catch them<difficult> :lol: and sell them, i had some small clowns for round a tenner and grew them n sold them for a big profit :good:

Bristlenoses again very small but if i were you id do something thats easy to maintain, like

10-15 clown loaches
6 bristlenose plecs
7-8 hoplo catfish
5-6 reedfish

20-30 colombian tetra
20 black skirt tetra
20 white skirt tetra
15-20 hatchet fish
20-30 pencil fish
6 alum angels if you can source them if not just silvers..
Why don't you do an experiment - put in 1 female guppy, and see how long until it's fully stocked..
Personally I wouldn't bother with the tetras in any number, not small ones anyway. I think no matter how many you have in a shoal in a 9ft long tank they'll look a little lost or be mere specks, lol :crazy: I'd go for either a big shoal of Discus or some New World Cichlids, JD's or Convicts.

Saying that I can't even begin to comprehend what a tank that size would even look like, I doubt it'd fit into my living room lol.. uhm, maybe if I cancel the 5 footer (parents would flip big time!) :crazy:
Why don't you do an experiment - put in 1 female guppy, and see how long until it's fully stocked..

as then id have to sell them all :crazy:

also nelly ive been thinking about the clown loaches and decided against as there just not something i really want

and would want the hatchets as they kind freak me out lol

would there be any more room if i had

150 cardinal tetra
50 bleeding heart tetra
50 Columbian tetra
20 angels
20 rainbows
30 cories
6 bristle noses

Personally I wouldn't bother with the tetras in any number, not small ones anyway. I think no matter how many you have in a shoal in a 9ft long tank they'll look a little lost or be mere specks, lol :crazy: I'd go for either a big shoal of Discus or some New World Cichlids, JD's or Convicts.

Saying that I can't even begin to comprehend what a tank that size would even look like, I doubt it'd fit into my living room lol.. uhm, maybe if I cancel the 5 footer (parents would flip big time!) :crazy:

yeah i know what you mean but it sounds daft but when i stand near the tank i can visualise it with fish in and ime sure it will look good
instead of 6 bristle nose plecs it would look cool to have one huge gibbi just to break up the sight of mainly little fish.. also you would be doing one common plec a huge favor!

but i would have to agree with will a group of geophagus would look awesome.
yeah i thought about a gibbi but really dont want any huge plecs in here
what about farlowella/whiptail catfish?


if ur going to be adding a few fish at a time, it might be a good idea to set up a quarentine tank if u havent already
well here we go i have a 9ftx3ftx3ft tank and was wondering what community could i have in it it has a 200 us gallon sump and all in is 766 us gallons with 15,000 lph turn over

heres ideas id like

rainbows of some sort
angel fish
a mixed group of tetras (that the angels wont eat)
some bristle noses

and any other ideas welcome

and what numbers id like a large community

if you're lookin for another big fish kissing gouramis, giant gouramis, and snake skin gouramis are relatively peaceful and theyre supposed to get very big in a large aquarium (12 inches for kissing, 33 for giant, and 10 for snakeskin).
yeah i dont really want any large fish in there had a giant and have had kissing before thanks any way tho

and like the whiptail but id be scared of breaking it :lol:

also il be having fake plants as well as some easy care ones
im not keen on clown loach's so i can see where your coming from there, i think with a big enough shoal of tetras, big or small, it would still be an impressive sight! cardinals look brilliant, also i think a big shoal of congo tetras would look very good, im not keen on bristle nose plecs so personally id be against that, what about a group of other small-madium sized plecs? maybe get a group of plecs that havent been bred before and leave them to their own devices and you never know! altum angels are very nice, there are some for sale on the classifieds now for cheap! you aren't supposed to put wild caught angels in with captive breds as they can introduce bacteria that captive breds aren't immune to, and usually ends up in fatalities, same with wild caught discus and captive breds. i think without some sort of cichlids it may be a bit bare, especially at the bottom end, just have a look through a few of the geophagus species, not all of them get massive, at the moment im thinking about a group of gymnogeophagus, they max at 15 cm and are as, if not more colourful than most of the geophagus species, and fairly peaceful.
eah never e bristle noses before so wouldnt know what plecs would you suggest dave (not to expensive mind)

also i know what you mean being abit boring but im hoping the 20 angels will sort that out

and not keen on the geophagus

i like the gymnogeophagus just not sure on availability near me
yeah they are a lot more rare than the geophagus and are rarely available, im getting 6 gymnogeophagus gymnogenys hopefully and i know of not a single place where they are available, apart from the 6 im getting!
plecs, well it would totally depend on your size limit, what size would you like to go up to, obviously there is the smallest of plecs like the clown plecs, bulldog plecs etc, then you move onto the smaller fancyer plecs like a lot of the hypancistrus species,they are normally higher in price, but if you look in the right places you can get most of them cheap, depending on where you are you could even get zebra plecs for £50, get a group of them and as long as you only have small bottom dwellers like corys etc you may have more than you started with given a bit of time!

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