What Medicines Should Be In A Fishkeeper's Cabinet...

I don't disagree about the difference between being proactive and reactive. I was thinking that having things on hand in case of a problem was being proactive.

Other than gravel vaccing, water changes, and having a properly set-up tank (plus a quarantine tank for new additions), what can I do to be more proactive to eliminate problems before they happen?
Making sure water quality is as perfect as can be will stop alot of problems. Using high quality food is also another and using a variety of foods is another.
Testing water is always a good idea. Researching, making sure fish are compatible.

Its not really about eliminating problems before they happen, but again, if your tank is mature and maintained, you won't have problems.
Well, my tank is maturing. :lol: It's not there yet, as you can see by the sig!
I don't keep any medications on hand, good husbandry and aquarium hygiene will ensure that you wont need them, as well as buying stock from a reputable retailer where the fish you're buying aren't diseased, disinfecting nets is generally a good idea as well as ensuring that non of the water your LFS bags with your fish finds its way into your tank.
Well, my tank is maturing. :lol: It's not there yet, as you can see by the sig!

lol hate that part of it! See, for someone like yourself I would recommend having some meds as your tank is not stocked and you will be messing with the stocking etc so it is good to have them just in case
Meds like what, for example?
This isn't a medication per se but I think it's a good idea to have CLOVE OIL on hand in case you have to euthanize your fish. It's not something that you want to wait to get in the mail while your poor fish is suffering and dying. This is for the people that abhor the thought of dashing the fish's head out with a rock or something.

For the people that have shrimp only tanks and use shrimp substrate, I recommend the natural med called "No Planaria". It's betel nut extract and safe for shrimps. The special substrate I have cannot be gravel vacuumed as it breaks down easily so at one point I had a few planaria. Anyone that breeds shrimp knows that planaria can harm shrimplets so I highly suggest this product.
Clove Oil
No Planaria ***(Shrimp tank)

And obviously plenty of dechlorinator.

Any others?
I have melafix and octozin on hand

I know a google search would address this, but what is octozin for?
Waterlife Octozin

They claim it treats Hole in the Head, Clown fish disease, Malawi Bloat. They also reckon it can help with dropsy, which is why I bought it.

I keep a bottle of Jack Daniels in my tank cabinet. When things go bad it helps with the mourning process :lol:

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