What Made You Decide To Set Up An Aquarium?

I grew up with a fish loving father. Over the years we had all sorts, tetras, oscars, plec, goldies. You name it we probably had one at some point plus I was obsessed with those fareground games and more than once had to run and ask my mum if I could have a fish because I'd won at the hook a duck :rolleyes: . The goldfish were the other half's idea. He wanted some for our daughter to learn about taking care of things. Little by little I have fallen in love with them, despite them being greedy dirty little beggers. While researching about goldfish care I came across Betta's and that was it I had to have one! I wanted a tropical community tank to have as my own. I now own a 60ltr tank.
That was just a random pic from the internet..............I did a search for chrome framed fish tank & that's what popped up! Yes, the frame is wider at the bottom than it is at the top. Not sure about the black tar sealant.

That's the exact same tank my father had but his was a 55 gallon version.

Ha ok, it does look the same make, its got a few dings in it though.

Mine was 24x12x12" the hood had a name/logo embossed on the side and Made In The USA below it.

I was only intrested in the contents so never realy appreciated it at the time. :rolleyes:
For me it was when my son came home from a school function with 3 "free" fish. I had no tank and absolutely no clue on how to care for any. I went online and bought some fish keeping books and one week later I had a 55 gallon tank and new obsession had begun...

I now own 3 fresh water tanks (55 gal, 30 gal and a 10gal) and am hoping to get one more 30 gal in the next year or so...
That was just a random pic from the internet..............I did a search for chrome framed fish tank & that's what popped up! Yes, the frame is wider at the bottom than it is at the top. Not sure about the black tar sealant.

That's the exact same tank my father had but his was a 55 gallon version.

Ha ok, it does look the same make, its got a few dings in it though.

Mine was 24x12x12" the hood had a name/logo embossed on the side and Made In The USA below it.

I was only intrested in the contents so never realy appreciated it at the time. :rolleyes:

Did yours have the chrome hood?
That was just a random pic from the internet..............I did a search for chrome framed fish tank & that's what popped up! Yes, the frame is wider at the bottom than it is at the top. Not sure about the black tar sealant.

That's the exact same tank my father had but his was a 55 gallon version.

Ha ok, it does look the same make, its got a few dings in it though.

Mine was 24x12x12" the hood had a name/logo embossed on the side and Made In The USA below it.

I was only intrested in the contents so never realy appreciated it at the time. :rolleyes:

Did yours have the chrome hood?

Yep and it fitted really flush onto the frame, my poor house proud mother was always wiping of any water marks and kept it looking pristine and sparkling.

It really was a vintage piece of craftsmanship.

Would your father remember the company that made them ?
im to old for birthday and xmas presents couldnt give a stuff really as long as the wife and kids have got stuff i`m happy, anyway after 4 yrs of nagging the wife said last year, please get yourself something for xmas....so after a think, i remembered my old fish tank from 20 plus years ago and how i enjoyed it in the brief time i had it.

i told the wife i wanted to get a fish tank, well she looked at me and said , ok if thats what you want, i wont like it though, but you go for it.

straight on eblag found a tank local, didnt look 1st though...bloody scratched glass :angry:
but it`ll do for now, and in the last few months ive spent a bloody fortune on more tanks,gravel, sand, substrate, plants, fish, water treament, snails, shrimp, food, wood, filters, media, mags,books,frogs,heaters,etc that ive made up for all my xmas`s and birthdays :rolleyes:

bonus points though, the wife absolutey looooves the fish tanks and fishies...go figure? :S

That was just a random pic from the internet..............I did a search for chrome framed fish tank & that's what popped up! Yes, the frame is wider at the bottom than it is at the top. Not sure about the black tar sealant.

That's the exact same tank my father had but his was a 55 gallon version.

Ha ok, it does look the same make, its got a few dings in it though.

Mine was 24x12x12" the hood had a name/logo embossed on the side and Made In The USA below it.

I was only intrested in the contents so never realy appreciated it at the time. :rolleyes:

Did yours have the chrome hood?

Yep and it fitted really flush onto the frame, my poor house proud mother was always wiping of any water marks and kept it looking pristine and sparkling.

It really was a vintage piece of craftsmanship.

Would your father remember the company that made them ?

I'll check when he comes over tonight and let you know.
When I was 14 (some 40 years ago now, :crazy: ) my bessy mate's family across the road had most things, you know like a telephone, colour TV, a bike and even dad had an XJ6 (when they were considered THE luxury car) and he had a tropical fish tank!

Me? oh I had a 'fair-ground' goldfish in a plastic tub :rolleyes:

Always wanted a real aquarium and now I have, he hasn't so now HE is envious :lol:
When I was 14 (some 40 years ago now, :crazy: ) my bessy mate's family across the road had most things, you know like a telephone, colour TV, a bike and even dad had an XJ6 (when they were considered THE luxury car) and he had a tropical fish tank!

Me? oh I had a 'fair-ground' goldfish in a plastic tub :rolleyes:

Always wanted a real aquarium and now I have, he hasn't so now HE is envious :lol:

I bet his bike was a Raliegh Chopper too :rolleyes:
Well... :blush:

My husband has always said he wanted a tank, back before he was my husband so a good few years ago - but his idea of fishkeeping went something along the lines of 'buy tank, fill with water, buy fish and plonk them in, sit back and watch them'. Having a bit of a notion it wasn't that easy I refused to give in!

Then at the beginning of the year, a new LFS opened up in town and watching the fish somehow I caved, we ended up buying a 65l tank and a week later (ugh!) some danios to put in it, followed by guppies and platies. If only we had known about fishless cycling! :crazy:

I ended up buying a second-hand 20l tank on ebay about a week later which was going to be a hospital tank, but then found out how quickly guppies and platies breed and whipped out the ladies quick stat to their own home (too late...) :hyper: .

Then, despite our best efforts and twice daily testing and water changes, we got a touch of whitespot. I was distraught and didn't know what to do as the hospital tank was full, and so I went on freecycle where a lovely lady was offering an edge which I begged for and luckily she let us have it. So that makes three tanks... :lol:

Treated the whitespot with salt and temp in the main tank and so there was mercifully no need for the third tank. Set up the edge and fishless cycled it using a little of what was now almost cycled media. In no time at all it had cycled and so the ladies moved in - just in time for their first round of babies to be born, which instantly filled up the now-empty hospital tank. :huh:

By this time, all three tanks were cycled and obviously that's the time to start all over with a bigger tank :crazy: So in a fit of madness we got a Fluval Roma 200, in went the old filter and some filter media from both tanks into the new filter, in went the danios, guppies and platies.

So now, in the space of less than three months, we have a 200l tank which is now home to the old crew, as well as a clown plec and some cardinal tetras and hopefully soon some gouramis, a 23l Fluval edge with four ladies and some pygmy cories (if they outgrow, the will go in the main tank) and a 20l full of fry - platy & guppy - which we are desperately hoping are all male. If not, it may be that we need to set the 65l up again! :lol:
I didn't even plan on having fish when it all started.
In 1995 (I was 5 back then), an old friend of the family (may he rest in peace) gave me 4 guppies (of red, blue and I think even green variety males and a pink-tailed female), though the tank they came with was maybe a 5L, long tank but very thin. My mother gave me her crystal rock which looked awesome in there but... it was that one thing that killed my fish in the end, as my mother accidentally put the rock in a soapy area on the sink while she was washing the guppy tank.

Around 1997, I visited another friend of mine and she had a huge tank with all kinds of fish (giant betta, 4 bettas in pairs, swordtails, a platy, one or two black mollies, some kind of golden tetras with a black spot on the back, baby angelfish, neon tetras, zebra danios, guppies and black widow tetras - not sure if there were other fish in there, it's been a long time). She said she could not take care of them as they were dying one by one ever since she got them and the tank water was quite murky. It was around 40L-ish or 50L.
She gave the whole tank to me, along with all the fish.
I somehow managed to clean it up but had no idea what a filter was or partial water changes. I used to change 100% water (and the fish had to sit in bowls during that time) once a week.

My dad kept getting fancy fish such as goldfish of all shapes and colors, Hoplos and a fossilis but only the Hoplos survived for a long time (I still have one from back in 2003). That aquarium had seen periods of having a filter but for a very short time, also had substrate of white gravel, then beach sand and with Elodea and lotus plants, but that didn't work so I had to give up on them due to not knowing how to stop the fish from eating the plants and how to clean the substrate properly.

The more sensitive fish died during summers or when my dad was in charge of the aquarium (my fault for having no filter/not convincing mom to keep one back then though but I had no idea how it was supposed to work), others died in accidents during water changes (such as slipping away or temperature shock due to too warm water), or me being a stupid kid and getting my revenge on some fossilis my dad bought which kept stinging me (the pain was pretty strange too, I just read recently that those fish are poisonous a bit) when I had to change the water (I fed it to the cat) or not having a lid the whole time and a Hoplo named Rex going overboard (ironically that one survived whole nights hiding through the house whenever he escaped and only one time he made the mistake to land in front of the balcony door and froze to death on Christmas eve...)

In late 2010, after my 8 year old Hoplo Seadra died, my mother confined my last 9 year old Hoplo Tzuppy to a 23L she bought for him since I had no other fish left.

In 2012 in January I bought 3 swordtails (1 female black berlin died during the first week due to my current female swordtail Bee attacking her. Though I had separated that one, she refused to eat till the end). Now I'm left with a pair (Bee the red female with red eyes and Cracker the black berlin male) and Tzuppy in the 23L.
I have introduced the filter on January 18th 2012 and my 3 fish survived so far with daily water changing (though at one point back in feb, my mom told me to do less frequent and for a week I did changes only once every 2 days in 90% proportion but then I managed to sneak the water changes daily). The problem would be not using dechlorinator so far so I'll find out if at least ammo is being processed today.

So it's time to change all that in 2012 and improve on fish keeping. I bought a 76L 85cm long tank with 30 width and 30 height and am preparing it for the fish.
Today I'm getting the ammo test and some dechlorinator (would be first time I'd use any of these) so I want to start properly but due to spending all my money on the new tank, fish food and that dechlor I'll get today and plants that I will get some other day, I'll need my dad's help for the rest of the cheaper stuff (sand, ammo test and later on nitrite test) and building a lid.
Then on my next salary I can look for a proper heater, as the one I've used for my turtle's pond just seems too damaged and I'm scared to use it.

EDIT: My dad already bought 2 kilos of white fine sand to sample it. Got 1 ammo test and dechlorinator Tetra Aquasafe. Hope the dechlo will work.
i started around 2 years ago,
i called into my sisters house and the lady next door had given her a 7 gallon hexagon tank which was so dirty she was just going to bin it.
i took it home cleaned it up and went to the lfs where i bought two bala sharks.
i then dumped the poor fish into the uncycled tank (not knowing any better) and then googled 'bala shark'.
after finding out that the balas would grow to twice the width of the tank i panicked a little and went onto the local buy and sell to try and get a bigger tank.
i ended up with a 4ft 30 gallon which i thought was huge... for about a month lol,
i then move onto a 5ft 90 gallon before, in my search for an even bigger cheap tank, came across plywood fish tanks.
So last summer i built myself a 220 Gallon 6ft L by 3 Ft H plywood tank which is as big as my house can accommodate :)
To think it all started with two bala sharks ... still love it though, its a great hobby.
I didn't even plan on having fish when it all started.
In 1995 (I was 5 back then), an old friend of the family (may he rest in peace) gave me 4 guppies (of red, blue and I think even green variety males and a pink-tailed female), though the tank they came with was maybe a 5L, long tank but very thin. My mother gave me her crystal rock which looked awesome in there but... it was that one thing that killed my fish in the end, as my mother accidentally put the rock in a soapy area on the sink while she was washing the guppy tank.

Around 1997, I visited another friend of mine and she had a huge tank with all kinds of fish (giant betta, 4 bettas in pairs, swordtails, a platy, one or two black mollies, some kind of golden tetras with a black spot on the back, baby angelfish, neon tetras, zebra danios, guppies and black widow tetras - not sure if there were other fish in there, it's been a long time). She said she could not take care of them as they were dying one by one ever since she got them and the tank water was quite murky. It was around 40L-ish or 50L.
She gave the whole tank to me, along with all the fish.
I somehow managed to clean it up but had no idea what a filter was or partial water changes. I used to change 100% water (and the fish had to sit in bowls during that time) once a week.

My dad kept getting fancy fish such as goldfish of all shapes and colors, Hoplos and a fossilis but only the Hoplos survived for a long time (I still have one from back in 2003). That aquarium had seen periods of having a filter but for a very short time, also had substrate of white gravel, then beach sand and with Elodea and lotus plants, but that didn't work so I had to give up on them due to not knowing how to stop the fish from eating the plants and how to clean the substrate properly.

The more sensitive fish died during summers or when my dad was in charge of the aquarium (my fault for having no filter/not convincing mom to keep one back then though but I had no idea how it was supposed to work), others died in accidents during water changes (such as slipping away or temperature shock due to too warm water), or me being a stupid kid and getting my revenge on some fossilis my dad bought which kept stinging me (the pain was pretty strange too, I just read recently that those fish are poisonous a bit) when I had to change the water (I fed it to the cat) or not having a lid the whole time and a Hoplo named Rex going overboard (ironically that one survived whole nights hiding through the house whenever he escaped and only one time he made the mistake to land in front of the balcony door and froze to death on Christmas eve...)

In late 2010, after my 8 year old Hoplo Seadra died, my mother confined my last 9 year old Hoplo Tzuppy to a 23L she bought for him since I had no other fish left.

In 2012 in January I bought 3 swordtails (1 female black berlin died during the first week due to my current female swordtail Bee attacking her. Though I had separated that one, she refused to eat till the end). Now I'm left with a pair (Bee the red female with red eyes and Cracker the black berlin male) and Tzuppy in the 23L.
I have introduced the filter on January 18th 2012 and my 3 fish survived so far with daily water changing (though at one point back in feb, my mom told me to do less frequent and for a week I did changes only once every 2 days in 90% proportion but then I managed to sneak the water changes daily). The problem would be not using dechlorinator so far so I'll find out if at least ammo is being processed today.

So it's time to change all that in 2012 and improve on fish keeping. I bought a 76L 85cm long tank with 30 width and 30 height and am preparing it for the fish.
Today I'm getting the ammo test and some dechlorinator (would be first time I'd use any of these) so I want to start properly but due to spending all my money on the new tank, fish food and that dechlor I'll get today and plants that I will get some other day, I'll need my dad's help for the rest of the cheaper stuff (sand, ammo test and later on nitrite test) and building a lid.
Then on my next salary I can look for a proper heater, as the one I've used for my turtle's pond just seems too damaged and I'm scared to use it.

EDIT: My dad already bought 2 kilos of white fine sand to sample it. Got 1 ammo test and dechlorinator Tetra Aquasafe. Hope the dechlo will work.
Yours was the most interesting one so far. :)
My dad had a freshwater tank when I was growing up in the 70's.
I remember he had pearl gourami,kissing gourami, rtbs, silver shark guppy, Molly, and plecos.
Not the best mix I don't think!
He used to find bits of wood and rock from the docks where he worked and just throw them in the tank.
No water conditioners no water testing just in you go and that was it.
And he never had any problems!
He can't understand how far advanced the hobby is now and still says to me just throw them in they'll be fine!

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