What Made You Decide To Set Up An Aquarium?

My hubby likes to shut me up. I fiddle with my tanks so much, I haven't had time to nag him....whenever I Start, he gets me another tank :fun:
Oh....I should have tried that last weekend when we saw this beautiful pink Betta at a local LFS! I am still kicking myself mentally for not getting him! He had these opaque fins with red spots like someone had done some artful water colouring on him. :drool:
Lol I found spitfire and I just had to have him even though I had no room
lol Rummynose! It doesn't always work though. There was a betta the other day...out of 10 cups he was the only one going storng. Fiesty, and flaring, follwed my finger with a snarl. He was Beautiful green and blue. I hated leaving him there, but no where proper to put him :( My hubby only let me replace our couch with our 75g because he got a new "manchair" for father's day last year. :lol:

My hubby likes to shut me up. I fiddle with my tanks so much, I haven't had time to nag him....whenever I Start, he gets me another tank :fun:
Awwww I love the picture of the pleco. :)

:D Thanks! He is so cute! I can't figure out what he likes to eat though. It's a no-go so far on apples and zuccini. Though like my son...I will try over and over until he eats it :)
lol Rummynose! It doesn't always work though. There was a betta the other day...out of 10 cups he was the only one going storng. Fiesty, and flaring, follwed my finger with a snarl. He was Beautiful green and blue. I hated leaving him there, but no where proper to put him :( My hubby only let me replace our couch with our 75g because he got a new "manchair" for father's day last year. :lol:

My hubby likes to shut me up. I fiddle with my tanks so much, I haven't had time to nag him....whenever I Start, he gets me another tank :fun:
Awwww I love the picture of the pleco. :)

:D Thanks! He is so cute! I can't figure out what he likes to eat though. It's a no-go so far on apples and zuccini. Though like my son...I will try over and over until he eats it :)
My dwarf gourami killed mine
:lol: And we have just scared people from wanting a new aquarium. or a dwarf gourami!
Well, first time around, our neighbor's son left for college, and she moved. Gifting me a 10gal full set up.
Then used all my birthday money and got a second. It became four 10's a 20 and a 5. Then my best friend's mom took a job travelling. He and the fully stocked 40gal. came to live with us. He went home tank stayed.
About the time George and Frank, my first two fish died, my father decided to use all the tanks to breed guppies, and I got interested in girls. Thirty years later my wife got two goldfish in a bowl, then a 1.5 gal, then a 10gal.
I wish now that I took it over that it was at least a 30. Not just more fish, but so many more plants I want to try.
My parents had a 5x2x2 when I was a kid then me and my siblings each had a 3ft then all of a sudden we decided to sell them all a 3yr gap of none then I got a tiny thing for goldfish that quickly died so then a 3 foot mismatch community then a rio 180 plecs silver dollars etc then I started marine and have had about 50 tanks since ( not all at once over a few years) :rofl:

So if my parents ever moan about it ( Wich they don't ) I can just say they started it :lol:
me and my wife had discussed having a small tank about 2 years ago, prior to getting married. we decided to save the money towards the wedding which was in september last year. then about 6 weeks ago we went out for a meal on a sunday dinner, after eating we sat in the pub next to a big fish tank, and both just sat watching the fish lol. Split second decision - drink up were going shopping for a fish tank.
Given I had been made redundant in December and already had a new job we had money sitting in the bank ready to spend so 30 mins and £120 later we had a 31 litre tank on a stand, complete with all the heater, filter, gravel, ornaments etc, looked lovely. We said this will do us for about 6 month before we think about getting a bigger one while we get used to keeping fish.

One week later 6 fish added, nice, going well, water perfect, another week later 5 more fish. Then the 3rd week the LFS had an offer on so 15 more fish later our tank is overstocked. This was 4.30pm on a sunday. by 5pm I was on ebay looking for a bigger tank. By 6.30 we were in the car driving 40 mins to collect a new tank. 8pm 180 litre tank on a stand in our kitchen being clean. Mad rush to get it set up, cleaned and filled by 11pm.

3 days later ammonia levels of 8 in the small tank, #29### !!! took a decision to move the fish to the new tank

3 weeks down the line readings are ok, doing a fish in cycle, just need to add more gravel, a few more plants and some wood for our pleco.

Have my eye on a nice little 5ft tank at the minute as we may be moving house in June to a bigger place, if we do i'll have the 5ft set up in the new house a few weeks before we move in so we can just put the fish from one tank to another - ive got the bug !
me and my wife had discussed having a small tank about 2 years ago, prior to getting married. we decided to save the money towards the wedding which was in september last year. then about 6 weeks ago we went out for a meal on a sunday dinner, after eating we sat in the pub next to a big fish tank, and both just sat watching the fish lol. Split second decision - drink up were going shopping for a fish tank.
Given I had been made redundant in December and already had a new job we had money sitting in the bank ready to spend so 30 mins and £120 later we had a 31 litre tank on a stand, complete with all the heater, filter, gravel, ornaments etc, looked lovely. We said this will do us for about 6 month before we think about getting a bigger one while we get used to keeping fish.

One week later 6 fish added, nice, going well, water perfect, another week later 5 more fish. Then the 3rd week the LFS had an offer on so 15 more fish later our tank is overstocked. This was 4.30pm on a sunday. by 5pm I was on ebay looking for a bigger tank. By 6.30 we were in the car driving 40 mins to collect a new tank. 8pm 180 litre tank on a stand in our kitchen being clean. Mad rush to get it set up, cleaned and filled by 11pm.

3 days later ammonia levels of 8 in the small tank, #29### !!! took a decision to move the fish to the new tank

3 weeks down the line readings are ok, doing a fish in cycle, just need to add more gravel, a few more plants and some wood for our pleco.

Have my eye on a nice little 5ft tank at the minute as we may be moving house in June to a bigger place, if we do i'll have the 5ft set up in the new house a few weeks before we move in so we can just put the fish from one tank to another - ive got the bug !
I have the bug and it was thanks to one little betta named Antoine
My dad has had a freshwater tank for as long as I can remember, and I wanted something that I could keep for my 30th birthday last year rather than a load of DVD's and clothes so 180 Juwel Rio Aquarium it was. Now completely obsessed and have spent way more than I told my SO I would Whoops!
i was young bought a 4 foot tank filled it up put fish in they all died bar 1 then i got rid of it all. always wanted a tank but never had the time. when i bought my new house my daughter said daddy i want a nemo fish so i built a tank into the wall got sump and most stuff for a marine tank, but as i read up quickly learnt how expensive it was so i decided on a freshwater tank. spent 6 months reading up on the hobby joined this forum then took the plung. and im loving it this time as i have done it all right and everything is going great. and made some good friends on here and learnt so much so thanks. my gf laughs at me cause i sit at the breakfast bar watching the fish for ages
My father got me a 2ft complete tropical set up second hand from a work college in my early teens. (in the 70s)

It had a bevelled polished chrome frame and hood and was made in the US.

Thinking back it was a real piece of craftsmanship, Wish I still had it.

Edit...Think it was probably stainless steel polished up like a mirror.

My father had a 55 gallon tank when I was growing up that had a beveled chrome looking frame and 2 separate chrome hood light setups. with the iron stand. He has crushed green glass substrate and it looked "beast" using my son's terminology. :lol:

He kept silvery looking Angels, pink Kissing Gouramis, a Red Tailed Shark, and various Platys & Swords and oddball catfish.

It looked like a 55 gallon version of this:

I think I need to upgrade lol

This looks just like it, does it have hard black resin/tar like sealant and do the vertical parts of the frame get wider at the base ?
That was just a random pic from the internet..............I did a search for chrome framed fish tank & that's what popped up! Yes, the frame is wider at the bottom than it is at the top. Not sure about the black tar sealant.

That's the exact same tank my father had but his was a 55 gallon version.

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