so TMC have sent me a new PSU for my lights, next day delivery! customer service or what! they even sent me a double so both my lights can run off the same PSU
so now the tank is looking well bright.
i have moved the LEDs to the front and put the arcpods to the back for better light spread
everything looks cool ATM and the tiny nem is a joy, i have fed it twice now and it has taken food both times first go. i am feeding it aqualabs reef pellets as the tank is in my office it is a long way to get frozen food
the sexy shrimp is a bit of a tart and will host whatever is close, one day its the nem, next it a bit of SPS. i am realy hoping the maroon clown will take up residence in the RBTA when its a bit bigger.
also added a hectors goby, this is it for stock (fish wise) now unless i see a clown goby a really like.
i also added another powerhead for surface agitation and now have some pretty monster waves
oh also spotted this
thats been in a pitch black tank for 3 months, shows how hardy zoas really are.