what kind of fish..?


New Member
Mar 9, 2005
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ok I am afraid I have no pictures, but when we first recieved our 25 gallon showtank as a houswarming gift fish came with it. now there was one fish in it that we named "Kite" I have been trying to figer out what the heck kind of fish he was but I have not seen any other fish like him before. his fins were like a veiltail bettas, but he was not a betta, he was much bigger and his body about 3/4 of an inch high and about an inch long, his body was bright red and his fins were multi coloured. I have never seen a fish that looked anything like him, and everytime I look at pictures of differnt kids of fish I dont find anything that vaguly resembles him. he was absolutly gorgous and I would LOVE to have another one some day once I figer out what the heck he was lol any ideas?
looked it up, no he looks nothing like a paradise fish..


his fins were just like this Bettas fins exept multie colored like red, blue, green.. and his body was much bigger more like the size and shape of a toonie, but slightly longer then high..
Maybe you have a large Fancy Guppie...not really sure hard to tell without a picture but good luck with your search hope this could help...let me know how it goes.
um, whats a toonie?

really, it sounds like you had some type of betta. they come in many colors and can vary in size. in your first description you said he was bigger than a betta, at 3/4 inch wide and 1 inch long??? thats smaller than some of my bettas actually. then in the one with the picture you say he was bigger than that. are you sure about the size??
I grew up with fancy guppys, I dont think so.. he looked almost exactly like a very very large veiltail betta with a much larger rounder body, his body was not long and thin like a guppy or betta though it was very large and round, and only a tiny bit longer then it was high, that is why im so confused about what he was, I will see if I can find a fish with his body shape, then replace the fins with the long colourful fins and tail of the veiltail betta.

ok his general body shape looked just like this:

but has fins and a mouth like this:

and his body was solid red, and his fins were red, blue, and green.
lol sorry about the size I was thinking an inch was bigger then it is lol the size I described is about the size of my betta lol he was about twice the size of my betta. in the one picture I meant his body size is much larger I took that picture only to show what his fins were like, but his body was not like that it was large and round, not long and thin.
I got got another clue lol I asked my mom if she had ever fogered out what kind of fish kite was, she said she thinks she did once but does not remeber what it was, BUT she said she thinks it was related to a carp of some sort? all the fish being sigested have long thin bodys, but Kites body was not even remotly long a thin, more like short and round lol
umm getting closer lol if you took a waikin goldfish took some of its legth and stuck it on his height instead then added the fins of a veil-tail betta lol thats the problem I having most of the fish I see that his body type dont have fins that even resmble his, and most that have fins like look like his, have an entirly differnt body type lol its really frustrating!
lol, ok here is a sketch of Kite

his body is just a little rounder though lol I was having problems getting it the right roundness, so picure his body is little more more circular and you got kite.
ooooooo i know this *bashes head on desk* i've got this in a book ill be back when ive trawled through the ten dozen books :thumbs:

Some kind of veil teailed rainbow fish?

Can you add any info on the fishes swimming habits i.e. take s air at surface, swims top middle bottom etc?

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