What is the stupid thing you have ...

Overfilled the tank, which was on a metal stand over an electrical outlet. Doh :X

Luckily, I turned the outlet off and paper-toweled it, and thenwaited a couple hours for it to dry off. Everything was fine, luckily :)
Used a garden hose one time to drain a tank. Ran the hose out a window, we lived on top of a big hill, ran the hose downhill to the street, water flowed into street. Makes a nice strong siphon. Anyway, a passing jogger notices the hose laying there, picks it up, takes a nice refreshing drink! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: Stupid for jogger, I thought it was pretty darn funny!
when i was setting up my tank I put the filter, heater, gravel, everything in to fill it with water the next day. so I go downstairs, watch telly, then everyone comes up to look at the new addtion to the house. :D My big sister says, I smell burning and then i realise someone has flicked the heater switch ON. :unsure: If I had gone to bed it woulda burned the house down. :crazy: :-( fortunately the lovely manager at work saw the funny side and gave me another one for free! :) tronic 2 worth £18.99 or thereabouts!
When i brought my first 55g i was given a 300watt heater for free, i set up my tank and my temp was at 28, it was all ready to put fish in i was soooo happy!!! but then i looked at it and i thought nah i dont want the heater there i will move it, so while it was still on i took it out of the water and as i went to go put it in the opther side of the tank it burst!!!
i forgot to turn it off the thing was still in my hand with the springs glowing red! i chucked it on the ground and turned it off. my g/f just looked at me and said "you are a banana you know that"

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