What is a discus fish?

Every other day? Wow. :huh: I change mine once a week. The discus are as happy as clams! :D Should I be changing more often? :unsure: Would hate to kill Julies discuseseses.... :/ She would die!!! :-( :-(
not to go off topic but i read in a cichlid book that discuss were brackish, i know they are mainly kept in freshwater aquariums though, was the book wrong? or are they adaptable to either water condition? or maybe different variations?
Discus in Brakish water, never heard that before. Discus originate from South America where the water is slow, tanned, soft, acidic and warm. They are not a fish for a beginner as they need alot of attention. However, if you can provide this they are well worth it.

Check out the 'LOOK HERE' link in Doggfathers signature for more information. :thumbs:
i should really change that link to 'Discus'
vantgE said:
not to go off topic but i read in a cichlid book that discuss were brackish, i know they are mainly kept in freshwater aquariums though, was the book wrong? or are they adaptable to either water condition? or maybe different variations?
The book is wrong! Discus live in water with almost no dissolved salts.

They arent really as hard as its made out. They are actually fairly easy once you can match their water requirements. Aim for pH 6.5 to 7, 86F, and soft to moderately hard water. The experts are the ones who can keep Discus succesfully at a high pH or hard water. Thats where the average person falls down, and why they have such a reputation. Once you follow the basic rules of fishkeeping to the letter and can identify stress and take steps to reduce it, you should enjoy having Discus :) I would recommend doing 20% water changes every two days if possible, but if you cant match the tank water (RO is highly recommended) then opnce a week is better than having water that fluctuates all over the place every two days.

As others have stated, discus are freshwater fish.
I change my water twice a week. Temp 83 pH 7.4. Once you get them to settle in they seem to be rather tough fish.
Sorrell said:
I don't think anyone meant any offense in their posts...discus are just very difficult fish to keep. I've had many types of tanks over the years and I've wanted discus for a long time, but I'm a little scared to get them because they are so sensitive. I truly think that people's replies were meant more out of concern for you then saying that you are an inadequate fishkeeper. Personally, I haven't gotten any discus yet because I worry that I will kill them!
Well, I guess I am sensitive. I just wanted to know more about the fish and everyone just started talking about how hard they were to care for.

Where do they come from? What's their natural habitat like? How are they kept? Are they a shoaling fish? Agressive? Dosile? Build nests? BEar live? Carry young in their mouths?

Anyways, I could get a book, I suppose but I am one to love stories that people tell about their beloved finbabies!

Hey BettaBabe if you want to learn more about Discus try researching it on google or go to a Discus forum...checkout simplydiscus.com as they have a lots of great people who knows Discus very well and are willing to help you....

Every other day? Wow. I change mine once a week. The discus are as happy as clams! Should I be changing more often? Would hate to kill Julies discuseseses.... She would die!!!

And Freshmike once a week is okay as long as your Discus are happy with it..I do mine everyother day because I have gravel and not a BB plus i think i'm a little overstocked too... :p Also some people says that frequent water changes can speed up the growth of young Discus....
i dont think discus are that hard to keep, my mates dad has 6 in his tank and he is like me and does his water changes with just useing water, no conditioner, no nothing just straight tap water. there 6 years old now and going on strong..
Just remember in the wild, these fish are strong, in summer the temp goes up 32c and ph up to about 9, in winter in drops to 22c and the ph to 4. they are a pretty hardy fish and should only be kept with at least 6 as they are a pack fish like piranhas
yeah i know dude, it sounds a bit far fetched and i didnt belive it at first, but i did my reading up and it looks like its true, also read up on fish that share the lake with discus and it said 9ph as well, weird huh.
i'm still having my doubts,

everywhere i'v looked has said that Discus prefer acidic water, but can tolerate slightly alkaline water. A Ph of 9 isn't slightly alkaline, it more alkaline than the majority of marine fish can live in!

Where did you read this? also, what fish did you reaserch that said they live in a Ph of 9?
With young Discus frequent water changes are good as it improves their growth.
liz1 said:
With young Discus frequent water changes are good as it improves their growth.
Since I have a 36 1/4" aquarium, I was wondering if it was too short being 16 3/4" high and 13 58" wide. (30 gallon)

I am really loving the look of this fish.

I say its way to small, discus get really tall, i would say a tank of a min of 90gallons. They need plenty of bogwood and planting. What type are discus do you want? for a good one thats an adult you could be looking at about $150 or so, for a baby about $50, there my prices, you can get crappy little bule ones for like $20 but there ugly, you really need to be ready to spend the bucks. they all hit about 15cm witch is one tall fish!! so you need a tank with about a 50cm hieght. And one thing is the No.1 important thing, discus are a pack fish, like piranhas they need to be with 5 to 9 others. i dont think i have ever heard of a discus living by its self or as two, the more the better.. the only tank mate i can think of is a Black Ghost Knife fish.

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