Oh, ha! I know they like the water flow a lot.I was just doing a water change, using a small filter pump to refill from a bucket.
Oh, ha! I know they like the water flow a lot.I was just doing a water change, using a small filter pump to refill from a bucket.
Silver Dollars are very cool fish but they need a big aquarium and quite a few of them to show well . Nice big well grown Silver Dollars in a big school are a sight to behold . They will eat all your plants to a nub however .Also, baby panda garra are adorable.Hope the big guys leave them alone. I've never kept silver dollars but I hear they aren't particularly predatory.
I used to keep a few tinfoil barbs in a planted 55g. They ate everything, including several huge amazon swords, right down to the gravel. But even they left the java ferns alone. That is a very tough plant.Actually my silver dollar tank is half full of Java ferns ( literally half, as it’s acrylic, and my only covered tank, because of the Bichir… I have several tanks with Java, and when babies break free, and get stuck to the filter intake I wrap a small piece of leaf free solder around the runner, and drop them in one side … the other side has plastic plants) there are 2 access doors on the top… biggest silver dollars are just over 4 inches , and so far they have left all those Java ferns alone???