A smile costs nothing :)
I beg to differ! Only being a mere 5'2", trying to catch fish in a 5ft tank which is nearly as tall as me is a nightmare! Usually have to use a stepladder unless the better half is about. He's 6'2", so not such a problem for him!None of you have experienced a struggle trying to catch a fish until you try and catch fish in a tanks that when on top of its cabinet is 6ft height in the air. I have to get up a ladder then try to catch fish. CKF are quiet hard to catch as they can swim backwards and any large fish are hard to catch due to there immense power and trying to keep them from hurting them selves when lifting them out. But the hardest fish of all time to catch would have to be eels, last week I had to catch an 18" and a 14" eel in my 8ft and boy it took 2 hours. I had to split the tank down the middle with a large carp landing net and try to catch them pretty much mission impossible I was soaked by the end of it.