What. In Your Opinion. Is The Hardest Fish To Catch?

Just finished catching the damsel.. took about 7-8 hrs of extreme paitence, a couple of large jugs, and 3 nets. Its been the most difficult catch in my 20 yrs of fish keeping :blink:
Ohh zebra danios are easy to catch compared to CAE's :crazy:

lol im glad every1 else thinks CAE's are difficult to catch:D. Just tried for 1/2 hour to get the two out of the tank and still havent managed with no decor in the tank! Im going to have to get the water level way down.
Ahh you see you're all going wrong with no decor in the tank ;)

CAE's are easy peasy so long as you place a nice big object near a corner no further out from the two walls than the width of your nets (yes you do need two unless you're a pro... :shifty: lol) You simply place one net over one exit and chase them quickly behind the object with the other net, without fail they swim straight around the object and into your waiting net. ;) Same method works on almost anything bottom dwelling or fast.

The only fish that still causes me trouble after all these years is Denisoni barbs!!! ARG. lol.
SAE's, clown loaches, zebra danios, and royal gramma basslets were pretty hard but the worst has to be those ###### damsel fish! What a pain in the A**!!!! Took me two days to catch two blue damsels. I was finally able to catch them using a trick I found on the net. Setting up a pulley system with a clear container attached to it, with food inside it. I waited in the next room and when I saw the damsels inside the container, I slowly pulled on the rope, trapping the fish inside. I had to do it a couple of times because the other fish would jump out of the container every time I caught him! :blink:
hehe year old thread!

but ill add my 2 cents in anyways =]

hillstream loaches...you have to harass them with 2 nets and then its seriously hard!

and of course khulis...i wanted to strip my 15g down and clean it but i had to remove the fish...cue hours of trying to catch 2 khulis...got one then couldnt find the other so we drained the water down to about an inch...still no khuli...emptied the bucket down the drain...oh dear there is the khuli.....RIP =[
clown loaches in my 60 litre before i put them into my 5 ft were a nightmare and that was only a small tank
i havn't had to do it again with them yet
also when my blue gouramis were attacking my angels i had to get them out fast as they were hurting them even to death one of them and boy they were quick
very old post but fuzzy dwarf lion fishes took me five hours
My male platy! Had to take him out of the tank as he was bullying my female cockatoo- boy is he sneaky! After keeping him in the quarantine tank for a week I put him back but he was soon up to his old tricks again. Do you think I could catch him? As soon as he saw the net FROM THE OUTSIDE of the tank he was off round the back of my 3-D background and stayed there for an hour just peeping round the corner every now and then to see if I was there!!

Now all I have to do if hes being naughty is wave the net at him from the outside of the tankand hes off for an hour round the back!! :lol:
Old thread but what the hey


1 1/2 hours of my life WASTED on trying to catch my last kuhli loach in a tank with no decore and 2cm of water!!!!


I was half tempted to leave the wretched thing :grr:
I have some blood fin tetras that I cannot catch. I have a 40 gallon 24inch high tank. The tank is deep. I want to move the blood fin tetras to a different tank. They are so fast and move in every direction swiftly. These are the ONLY fish I have that I cannot catch. My RTBS will swim in the net. He is not afraid of the net at all. It is funny, I show people how I "taught" him to swim in the net. I should get a video of him swimming in the net.

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