What Fish Scare You.

Dead fish.

I have a phobia of dead things.

Quite a silly phobia, isn't it? :huh:

I'm so glad I'm not the only one. People take the mick out of me so much for it. But if I have a death in my tank, I invariably have to get my mum to help me deal with it.

It's the eyes! The cold, dead eyes!
I'm not scared of any fish. Its more other critters like jellyfish and octopus that freak me out- there are some pretty deadly specimens i've encountered while on holiday in Australia, including the notorious blue ringed octupus- anything poisenus that can easily cause you a great deal of hurt, i'd rather leave alone.
Blue ringed octopus;


Small and cute looking, but so deadly its evil.
ok, is this a thread about "what fish scares you" or "what fish do you think is ugly/icky/disgusting" because i thinks its swaying towards the latter.
I'm assuming that Wilder meant for "What fish scare you?" to be a tongue-in-cheek question and for us to have fun with our responses. :)

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