What Fish Scare You.

Eels scare me.
Dead fish.

I have a phobia of dead things.

Quite a silly phobia, isn't it? :huh:

Im pretty much the same.... live fish i have probs with but picking up a dead one seems to make me feel funny! Also i love plecs but i dont think i could hold one in my hand in fear of it sucking me :crazy: Not fish i know but crabs, lobsters ect i cant even look at them.... they remind me of huge insects, there my worst fear!
Only afraid of lionfish to tell you the truth. They're normally peaceful- but i've had a dwarf that freaked out... they swim and hold onto the edge of the glass and half of the time try shooting out at you.

The one time I was actually "frightened" lol was when I saw a 6 inch peacock mantis sitting inside a rock. I absolutely love mantis shrimp of any species... but that one just had this eerie aura.

I mostly get worried about a large fish, etc. rather than getting "scared of it". Trying to catch a foot long pacu in a 65 gallon is stressful lmao.
snakehead and wolf fish

Snakeheads are awesome! Too bad they are illegal in the United States. People were releaseing them in the rivers and they were tearing up the populations of smaller fish, i.e. bluegill, bass, etc. But they are cool. If only I could get one illegally.... :shifty: Anyone? jk.

Not a fish, but I am even more scared of mantis shrimp, I had a near miss with one while I was trying to clean its tank too. They are extremely fast and when they hit you with their spike/smasher things it has the same force as a .22 cal... :crazy:

Still doesn't put me off wanting to keep mantis shrimp, if only i had the space/time/money..
I'm not scared of any fish because of their looks though...

I've also had a run in with these guys. I almost got chopped by one while I was trolling in the Chesapeake. Besides that, they are amazing creatures. They even look scary! They can break tank glass, so I would not try to keep one.
I think the Sabretooth Tetra / Vampire Tetra (Hydrolycus scomberoides) is spooky looking. :devil: And this is coming from a person who kept piranhas.

A few years ago I thought corys (and catfish in general) were fugly looking because of their barbels. What was I thinking?? :lol:
ok, is this a thread about "what fish scares you" or "what fish do you think is ugly/icky/disgusting" because i thinks its swaying towards the latter.

i dont think any fish are icky or disgusting or ugly, and im having trouble to think of a fish that scares me.....i dont think there is one. Maybe if I was told i had to do something that could involve putting my hand in a tank with a full grown electic eel, that might scare me. Oh and i dont trust my snakehead not to bite me either, i think i would be scared if i had to put my hand right next to him.

But thats only if i had to do things with them, im not scared of them as long as i dont have to do those things.
im not scared of them as such,more disgusted by them
those big gold fish with huge brain shaped lumps on their heads,they swim really strangely coz of the weight disrubution :sick:
Usually when it comes to fish the wierder or more unique they are the more I like them....so I'd have to say I'm "afraid" of expensive fish. The expensive ones always seem to die on me.
The only fish that has ever scared me was the 6 foot long shark that followed us in while we were snorkeling a couple of years ago, that was a damn scary fish!!

I have a healthy amount of respect for my dangerous fish, you dont just stick your hands in a tank with fish that can give you electric shocks, have serious bites or can envenom-ate you with spines without taking a few basic precautions first.
I am afraid of atlantic cone snails. Once they"tag" you, you have about 5 minutes to live and there is no anti-venom!
What fish scares me?

The Little Mermaid hahaha :lol:

I think Stone fish are a little scarey when trying to feed them.
I'm scared of lion fish, whenever i have to clean their tank they swim up to my hands as they think they are being fed, but I don't fancy getting jabbed by the dorsal spines and having to go to hospital :crazy: .

LMAO! That happened to me once. I had a saltwater tank about 20 years ago and one of the inhabitants was a lion fish. I was screwing around with my arm in the tank trying to push food toward it when it quickly moved forward, probably out of self-defense, and nailed me on my middle finger with a spine. The pain was instant and absolutely incredible. My arm flew out of the tank, taking the hood with it. I went and woke my wife up and she took me to the hospital. The ER technician had to go look up how to handle something like that, and found that immersing the area in water as hot as one can tolerate is the only solution. So there I sat in the ER, with my finger in the sink for an hour with very hot water running over it with my wife staring at me shaking her head, grinning. The technician had a good laugh for herself as well. $180 later I went home. The next day, the lion fish went back to the lfs. Beautiful fish, but not one to mess around with as I painfully discovered. :lol:

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