What Fish Scare You.


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Nov 5, 2004
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Used to be scared of plecs as they looked ugly, so I got some and found them to be cute.
What fish scare you.
Oh difficult one!

I've got a fish in my head but the life of me can't remember what it's called! I'll have a look at work tommorow and get back to you on what it's called! Dead scary though!! :lol:
I'm scared of lion fish, whenever i have to clean their tank they swim up to my hands as they think they are being fed, but I don't fancy getting jabbed by the dorsal spines and having to go to hospital :crazy: .

Not a fish, but I am even more scared of mantis shrimp, I had a near miss with one while I was trying to clean its tank too. They are extremely fast and when they hit you with their spike/smasher things it has the same force as a .22 cal... :crazy:

Still doesn't put me off wanting to keep mantis shrimp, if only i had the space/time/money..
I'm not scared of any fish because of their looks though...
I will never buy frogs, strimp and crabs they freak me out.
Guppies from an LFS (serious)
Why there so cute.
Guppies from an LFS (serious)
Why there so cute.
I think frogs, shrimp, crabs and piranhas are cute...

Well ok I don't think piranhas are cute but they can be when they are babies, and I think the adults are interesting :good: .
Three fingers with a crab you might only have three fingers left.
Guppies from an LFS (serious)
Why there so cute.
I think frogs, shrimp, crabs and piranhas are cute...

Well ok I don't think piranhas are cute but they can be when they are babies, and I think the adults are interesting :good: .

Baby Oscar's are really cute! Kinda opens up a whole new 'what's the cutest fish' thread!
Timmy start the cutest fish thread up, mine would be panda corys.
i was cleaning the tank once in my works and didnt notice under the sand were burried 5 or so frogmouth catfish. the scare the s*it out of me when they darted out of the substrate. Grr catfish.
Wolf Fish... those faces just.... *shudders*

that's actually pretty neat and looks cute! Love how it's using those fins like legs.... awwww :wub: (looked up frogfish.. they're part of the angler fish fam? Bleh.. oh well, those are cute... others.. not so much)

Plecos creep me out as well.

Flouders also freak me out.

But scariest of them all to me is the angler fish. They're all mouth filled with razor sharp teeth... plus they're just ugly as sin.

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