What fish is on your Wish list?

Dormitator maculatus
Tandanus tandanus
Oscura heterospila
Distichodus sexfasciatus
Potamotrygon orbignyi
Andinoacara coeruleopunctatus
Paretroplus menarambo
Paretroplus nourissati
Elassoma gilberti or e. okefenokee
Hypostomus panamensis
Eleotris picta
Dormitator maculatus
Tandanus tandanus
Oscura heterospila
Distichodus sexfasciatus
Potamotrygon orbignyi
Andinoacara coeruleopunctatus
Paretroplus menarambo
Paretroplus nourissati
Elassoma gilberti or e. okefenokee
Hypostomus panamensis
Eleotris picta
I just got a pair of elassoma gilberti last month. I added them to a 3.5 gallon heavily planted bowl and yesterday noticed a ton of fry. I didn’t expect that to happen so soon. They are undemanding (don’t even need a heater) and the males are so beautiful in their breeding colors.
I just got a pair of elassoma gilberti last month. I added them to a 3.5 gallon heavily planted bowl and yesterday noticed a ton of fry. I didn’t expect that to happen so soon. They are undemanding (don’t even need a heater) and the males are so beautiful in their breeding colors.
Beautiful fish, almost no maintenance, and easy to breed. Such a great nano fish!
I just got a pair of elassoma gilberti last month. I added them to a 3.5 gallon heavily planted bowl and yesterday noticed a ton of fry. I didn’t expect that to happen so soon. They are undemanding (don’t even need a heater) and the males are so beautiful in their breeding colors.
Do you feed them live food or have you talked them into eating flakes ? I've been tempted to get a pair for my 5 gallon but not sure about the feeding part. Most places suggest grindal worm but....
Do you feed them live food or have you talked them into eating flakes ? I've been tempted to get a pair for my 5 gallon but not sure about the feeding part. Most places suggest grindal worm but....
I feed them live daphnia and black worms. They don’t touch prepared stuff. I’ll probably look into expanding that to grindal worms or vinegar eels as the fry are tiny, although I think that there are enough microfauna in the tank to support the fry for now.


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