What fish is on your Wish list?

My fish dream list,
Geophagus Sveni
Massive school of Cory hastatus
congo tetras
veilfin tetras
blue phantom pleco
starlight bristlenose pleco
a 12 inch, chubby butterfly kohaku koi (I have a 7 inch one who I’m growing up... someday he will be big)
and guppies. Beautiful, loads of glorious guppies
I have the following on my wish list (more precisely will buy list after i move):
Krobia Xinguensis
Sphaerichthys selatanensis
Elizabethae apistogramma
Brevibora dorsiocellata

Actually this is not my full list but i think it is enough for this thread.
I had kept most the fish that are in my wish list.
My wish list is probably the fish that I am keeping now - Geophagus Sveni, Satanoperca Daemon, Gymnogeophagus Balzanii.

Probably in the future(provided I have space), I may want to keep some shell dweller like the Golden Lamprologus Oscellatus and Neolamprologus Similis.
But I will have to adjust my tap water GH with GH minerals since I have soft water.

I may also switch my current Balzanii with Red Head Tapajos.
I think an angelfish tank would be cool. Or a tank of green tiger barbs.
But I think coolest of all would be a tank of native sticklebacks and mudminnows. I frequently catch them while seining, and invariably discount their value as aquarium fish. I’d like to give them a go sometime.
I think an angelfish tank would be cool. Or a tank of green tiger barbs.
But I think coolest of all would be a tank of native sticklebacks and mudminnows. I frequently catch them while seining, and invariably discount their value as aquarium fish. I’d like to give them a go sometime.
Angelfish tank is cool if you like watching them fight all day long:
I always thought hillstream loaches were cool, but just a little too big for the tank I have currently. They look like mini freshwater rays!
My problem with hillstream loaches is temp requirement.
my wish list consists of bettas. Imbelius, aliens, Etc. I've never even kept a long-finned betta before, plakats stole my heart.
yesterday at my LFS I saw a blue alien betta male which was in his youthful days priced for only $30. I'm very sad I don't have enough room for him.
Do you just keep really warm aquariums? Room temp seems to be fine for them from what I've read, and temps are more flexible than a lot of other parameters.
I see 72ish as a good temp for them; during the summer we typically get to 78-80 indoors.

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