What Fish Have You Been After For So Long

yeah we have loadsa khulii loaches here. I've never seen the black versions :S

BN are 10 a penny, well not in price lol, here every where has them.

Tropical n brackish puffers are rare here though I have seen them.

Pretty much everything else I wanted I have been able to get.
Except my snakehead, as they have been having trouble ordering them, so I am now using that tank for my new plec and soon for my cory fry yay!!
Hemisynodontis membranaceus - Moustache Catfish :drool:
Harlequin Shark labeo variegatus

There are hundreds of tiger coloured stripy Khuli Loaches around here.... strange that they seem so common here but so rare in other areas!

I would like some nice zebra plecos but i dont think I would be able to afford the 3 or 4 necessary for them to enjoy themselves!

well send me some dammit! :D

I've just been amazed at how hard it is to find them. Our best LFS in the area (which is very well known around the area and has set up exhibits at zoos etc..) said they can't even get their hands on them. :no:

A black dogface puffer... I found one but I don't have a big enough set up to keep it... One day I am setting up a really big salt water system to keep one of these guys, with a golden moray, maybe a zebra moray, a trigger, and some kind of grouper. I like the bumblebees and some of the Red Sea species...
my problem isn't searching for fish- it's finding fish that I never even knew I wanted until I saw them. And then the fear of never seeing one again.

This is my most recent 'find'....

not that particular one mind you. But my lfs has one identical to that and I have,have, have to have him. I will stock my 100 gallon reef around him- I adore him that much.
well send me some dammit! :D

I've just been amazed at how hard it is to find them. Our best LFS in the area (which is very well known around the area and has set up exhibits at zoos etc..) said they can't even get their hands on them. :no:

Where abouts do you live?
The midwest, Mid-Michigan.

A world away from alot of you guys :(
dang..I can only get the stinkin black kuli loach and I want the tiger one..LOL the black ones arnt that pretty..(even though I have two of them) and also we have quite a few dog face puffers around here...
I want a Discus (although I can find those.. I just dont have the $$) I REALLY want a cockatoo cichlid (and a rose breasted cockatoo LOL)
None that i can ever keep but ones ive always wanted to keep is the Clown Knife Fish
I also would LOVE a african Dwarf Frog...None around me

One of my 5 LFS within a 30 minute radius has a huge amount of discus for $40-$80 varying sizes and types and thats Aussie $

Also found freshwater Puffers today....So cool

Oh and Severum two days ago I found a huge clown knife for sale but couldn't find the $ I can see why you want one they are Luverly :p
Ive been trying to get some kuhilli loaches i got the black ones but want some like other species kind
Ive been trying to get some kuhilli loaches i got the black ones but want some like other species kind

Wow! These are VERY common around here. I've seen tanks just crawling with them.

I spent weeks searching for my Neolamprologus multifasciatus. I ended up finding a hobyist on-line and drove nearly 100 miles to get them.

My current search is for Pencilfish. Can't seem to find them anywhere. I'd really like to find some Nanostomus espei.

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