What Do You Think On The Colour Of My New Bubble Tip Anemone?

Alex Brown

Fish Crazy
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Gosport, Hampshire.
Ive reserved this nem, hopefully collecting today :p

I have searched all over Hampshire for my perfect nem. I didnt exactly find "the one" however this was one that really stood out to me. I love the colour, except the brown sack.

I was in the market for a bubble anemone. Please tell me your thoughts! I wanted the brightest most colourfull nem I could find. Post your nem piks!


Nice one, thanks guys. Im going to go pick it up in the next hour or so. Im thinking of placing it under the toadstool mushroom, it is a legd that sticks far out, with shade at the back between other rocks, and a nice jet of water fanning the whole area on top of the rock. The clownfish have also come to like that side of the tank :)

You wouldnt have thought I took that on a high end SLR would you! Sorry for the naff photo. Will re-do this afternoon with nem!

Older pic


Newer pic

Lovely colour :good:
Yep I agree, it won't matter where you put it, it will keep moving until its happy, I thought mine had found its place, it had been there almost a week, then I got up this morning and he's moved again :rolleyes:
Colour looks more enhanced even in the bag.

Not sure, someone with more experience may clarify, but would think you would be better using airline and drip acclimatizing, for a decent amount of time.
I did it over 3 hours with a cupfull going in every half hour or so. Its in there now, and looks great! Was a little bit difficault to get it to release off the bag but it came off smoothly after a couple of minutes. I also observed the nem doing a water change while in the bag. It completely shrivelled up and inflated again. Before I took it out the bag, it had fully bubbled up and looked even more alive than at the store!

Few minutes after going in.



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