What Do You Think On The Colour Of My New Bubble Tip Anemone?

I have to say I still prefer drip.

However it is your choice.

Nems colours are a hundred times better in that tank than they were in the first picture you posted in this thread. Always the same, never look as good in the lfs.

Very very beautiful.

Good luck with him.
Very nice :good:
Glows really nicely under the moon’s you found a really nice one there m8t
2x39w Actinic
1x39w Day Glo
1x39w Life Glo

Is that enough? Ive been kind of worried by my lighting, but have found my soft corals have thrived. Also, in the dealers tank the nem has been living the past week or two under 2 crappy old T8's which were both white.

Glad you all like it, I love it :D. Dr Evil and Mini Me havnt discovered it yet...
i wouldnt have thought it would be enough long term, but im no expert with tubes. If they have individual reflectors then that makes it better. Id look for a 2nd hand 150W halide if i were you
4x39w T5's isnt poor lighting though, is it? The nem is sat 12inchs under water, and each tube has a reflector.

Thanks Steffie, going to check the website now :p
nope it isnt, i would have thought that under that lighting you could keep just about anything.
I was just saying.
I got a lid come with my tank that had four crap tubes in and you could hardly see the back of the tank they were that dull. But t5's should be fine, even better because they have individual reflectors
Oh thats good to hear! Ive worried a lot about my lights. The tank is 20 inches deep total. What corals would live ahppily at the bottom do you think? I have button polups growing from the live rock down there, if I bought some from the shop they would be fine down there also right?

I have adjusted my lights so that the tank is brightly illuminated all over. Loads of growth from live rocks and things.

Nem is now super pumped up and hasnt moved. Here is a picture of it this evening.


i think a couple of sun corals would look quite nice at the bottom, the yellow would be a nice contrast to the other colours you got in there. They just need target feeding. Zoo's and mushies would also be fine too i would have thought.

The nem looks like he has his foot wedged in a nice spot there, and the tips are bubbleing up nicely.
Im just putting the guard over the top right powerhead just incase the nem goes on a wonder. Do you think it could stay put on the rock there, or are anemone\'s totally random and could move at any time?

I was thinking about sun coral, however I decided to wait and get used to feeding the nem first before adding some more feeding duties to the system. I found some real nice Zoo\'s that I hope to get and spread over the flat plate on the back.


Whats people thoughts on Ricordea\'s? I love the colours they come in, also read that they prefer a lower/medium light and flow, is this correct?

That's right. Ricordias are awesome. :D
They are slow growers but they are easy to take care of. I have had one for a while under 65 watt PCs and its doing great. It even lasted through a small ammonia spike.

Also look into Tube Anemones. They aren't technically anemones, and they're not photosynthetic. They are kind of like feather dusters.
Ricordeas look stunning. Take a look at jennybugs nano journal in the journals section, she has a stunning ric garden.
Those zoas look nice too.

Borneman (my current bible) states that ricordeas tolerate brighter light than other mushrooms but do not seem to thrive under metal halides. Pink and orange are from shallower water and are more tolerant of greater flow around the colony.

Hope that helps

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