Its funny to think about how much I time I have spent watching my new nem and worrying about it! Lots of events over past few days, sorry I didnt put anything up sooner.
The anemone ended up retracting right into the rock work and you couldnt see it. Friday morning it was still tucked in, however throughout the day the head poked back up and out the hole and was on full display as when I put it in the tank. It looked super perky and full of life.
I decided to feed it on Friday afternoon. I cut a small frozen fish in half and defrosted it. I had my hands in the tank sorting a few things out, and the clowns were happy pecking away at me, swimming through my fingers and sitting in my palm. They are so friendly! I never expected that from a fish
The second I put the fish on tong into the water the clowns shot right into the anemone! I couldnt belive it. Anyhow, I let the nem pull the fish off the tongs. The clowns tried to peck and eat some of it, then flicked it out of the anemone! I offered it back to the nem and it gobbled it down in a matter of seconds. The clowns spent the rest of Friday settling into thier new home, they look brilliant in the bright red!
All day Saturday Mini me was diving into the nem and popping up on the other side of it. Dr Evil continuously pecked all of the algea off from the rocks surrounding the nem, and it continued to open out more. I couldnt see its mouth though, but im guessing thats normal? This afternoon, the nem retracted right back into the rocks again, possibly further. Im hoping it will come back out tomorrow morning...

Its really scratty and deflated in the hole. Mini me is sat in it though. Dr Evil hasnt been in the cave but swims out front.