What Did You Get?

I got:

A dodggy looking gift certificate which is actually an I.O.U. for some dollars for my trip to the US of A in 5 weeks time.

a whole pile of DVDs
More money for britain spending.
5 pairs of socks (the lowest ever yet)
Two house coats (thick winter one and thin summer one, both given on request for them)
big gorilla feet slippers
Oidz (extremely cool magnet toys that make really cool noises doing diff things. you just cant stop playing with them.)
Calvin Klein Crave (which was a gob smacking surprise, never knew santa would stretch to buying me that stuff, i thought Lynx was the purchase limit)
some chocolates and sour sweeties.
some puzzles.
few other nick naks i cant think of.

Bought my father a racing car set though (not the common brand name though) and we had great fun playing with that. like being kids again. His face was a total picture opening it.
I was really blessed this year. I got a new set of wedding rings from my husband. A white gold solitaire that's 1.32 carat and a ring guard that is 1 carat. It's beautiful although I am getting used to the 'bigness' of it. I also got The GodFather boxed cd set which I have wanted for a long time. I am a true GodFather fan! Nothing fish related but plan on going to PetSmart tomorrow for a new filter system! :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!
I didn't get any aquarium junk this year. My family had promised me aquarium junk, and thankfully forgot. :D They did give me a very small TV. And my brother gave me Dead Like Me, Season 2.
Let's see....

Pink and black PJs
A horse book
A collectible house (I set up a mantle village every year with lighted houses)
Riding Gloves
A horse photo album
Horse socks
Some mystery books
A horse box (Is anyone starting to see a theme here...? :look: )
A belt

Fishy stuff:
A $100 certificate to my favorite LFS
A $100 credit card thing...it's like a gift card, but you can use it anywhere. Guess where mine's going... :hyper:

And my really big present...a really nice digital camera. I've tried it out today and the macro is superb. Haven't gotten any decent fish shots yet, though.
From hubby;
Paw print jammies
Diamond earrings
Diamond cross necklace
Eminem's Curtain Call and autobiography
Mick Sterling (local singer) autobiography
The Cure box set B-sides and rarities
Teddy Bear
From kids;
OPI pedicure slippers and polishes
Black purse
From family and friends;
Leopardy coat
Philosophy gift set
Season 4 of 24

Santa must have seen how good I was this year!
Did I mention my dad gave me a 512 memory card, so I can now store 408 pictures in my camera. But thats including the built in memory, the card itself only stores 388.
Also - I got a card to PetSmart.
I personally am NOT a petsmart shopper.
I'm more of a PetCo person...yes...
But I'll buy SW stuff, so alls good!
I got:
-- New camera, Nikon Coolpix 4800!
-- Much needed new blanket for my bed to replace the crappy one
-- Gift certificate to Petsmart
-- Bag thingy to carry my puppy around in when we go places that she can see out of
-- 2 sets of PJs
-- Slippers
-- Money for a 200 GB harddrive that I haven't ordered yet

I also got my puppy (long-haired Chihuahua) as an early Christmas present a couple of weeks ago and there's an envelope from my grandmother I'm waiting to open until she gets here new years that is almost certainly money :hey:
How on earth do we do that? For all you know, I may be lying about my new sexy Kodak EasyShare zoom z700!

Lol, I see cameras were a common theme.
How on earth do we do that? For all you know, I may be lying about my new sexy Kodak EasyShare zoom z700!

Lol, I see cameras were a common theme.

Hyperbolic humor isn't your favorite flavor, eh? :)

I like what I got. My little TV is kinda neat. I haven't owned a TV since... oh.. at least 2000.
I knnow the feeling Soritan.

Years ago when I was younger, my father was made redundant from his job of 26 years. He had started at the company of the age of 16, did his apprenticeship. When he tried to get other jobs, everyone wanted degrees - what he had meant jack. so after a year of no work, he went back to uni.

for 5 years, we scrimped by every year, just. My Christmas was a bar of chocolate and a book maybe a film and a couple of other nik naks.

My friends boasted 4 times as much for their birthdays, let alone christmas.

a number of years later, my parents became a little better off when some policies came to an end, and treated us for our understanding of the breadline we had for so long.

All i can say is be greatfull for all that you get and be proud of it. No matter how big or small, its all wonderful gifts, things you never had before you got them.
Wait until you get to my age
My mother bought me a spare pair of glasses
I got a toaster from the woman next door
I got a clock in the shape of a chicken!
I am getting my hypnotism paid for in the New year to try and stop smoking
Makes me feel ancient
However I did get the 2nd series of Monk :wub:
And the lfs owner gave me a Fluval3 for half price and 2 big bronze cories for zilch because of my custom throughout the year. :)

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