What Did You Get?


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC
So everyone, what did you get for christmas? I got a folk art cat statue that's about five feet tall. Tons of chocolate of all sorts. An alarm clock that also plays CD's and some candles.

And last but not least... A 20 GALLON TANK! :hey:

I've still got to go to my grandmothers and open around five more presents, then to my dads, so expect me to post a couple more things here in a bit.
I got this beauty :D :D


10.10am and ive already set it up lol.

its clearing by the second too.

cant wait to do the planting.

got 2 nice pieces of mopai wood to go in there too.
That's nice, how many gallons does it hold?.
Didn't get myself a tank this year as i don't have much places to put them so i got myself a PSP. Got some money aswell so am going to go out nd get myself some Fishy's!.
Hope your all having a great X-mas. Might just buy myself a betta in a bowl!
That's nice, how many gallons does it hold?.
Didn't get myself a tank this year as i don't have much places to put them so i got myself a PSP. Got some money aswell so am going to go out nd get myself some Fishy's!.
Hope your all having a great X-mas. Might just buy myself a betta in a bowl!

thanx, about 65 according to a converter i used last night.

PSPs are sweet as.

Had to choose between one of them and the new video ipod a few weeks back for my b-day. tough choice but i got the ipod purely for the music.

the movie quality on PSP is jus amazing tho!
People must understand i've got a new hobby! I got loads of fish stuff!
- Ornaments for the tank (some of which are *cough cough* horrible!)
- Books
- Test Kits
- Water Adjusters

And I'm getting a NEW tank! Yay!

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Holy crap SamUK, way to make me jealous lol.

I'd post a picture of my new tank but it's horrible right now since I haven't any plants or anything in it yet.
I got a new 29 gallon tank but it's still sitting in the garage for now while I play musical fish to deal with an outbreak of Ich in my 55 gallon tank. Hopefully, this evening I'll find out that I won an aquabid auction for my present to myself - a royal blue butterfly crowntail.
nothing fish related off anyone as they know i like to choose but did treat myslef to loads of new plants, 3 albino cories, 3 bronze and a male betta as a xmas pressie to myself
haven't opened many presents yet, so far I have a power tool set though, always nicking dads tools!

but last week i treated myself to 3 new books..

Baensch Photo Index
Aqualog All Polypterus
Aqualog SA Cichlids Volume 1

since I spent a stupidly large ammount on books I got my TFF Club discount card renewed for free
The usual stuff here (nothing fish related at all), a shirt, pair of pants, a "You Might Be A Redneck" Calendar (I am), a CD. My wife and I kind of buy what we want or need as the year goes on so we don't buy each other a lot for Christmas. Spend most of the money on the grand children spoiling them. Got each of the two grand sons a PSP (could have gotten another big tank for what those cost).

Nice tank SamUK. Looks bigger than 65 gallon. Looks at least as big as my 75 but pictures are deceiving at times.
Holy crap SamUK, way to make me jealous lol.

I'd post a picture of my new tank but it's horrible right now since I haven't any plants or anything in it yet.

hehe sorry about that.

i bought a few plants on friday in preperation. need a whole load more tho!

still waiting for the sand to settle tho :(

note to self - dont listen to mother when she thinks she has a genious idea to wash gravel - she doesnt!
Hey, this is a great christmas:D

i got my 26gal tank on tuesday which was my main present and i got today some clothes (actually some i like this year!) emm a few pieces of jewellery and a very cool zip bag. (starts as one long zip, and as you zip it up it transforms into a bag)
pretty cool

have a great chrsitmas people!
I got computer speakers, not cheap from my son. And bought myself a betta from thailand will be getting it sometime after Jan 2. Will be shipped to calgary on Jan 2 and then once she knows it is healthy she will ship it to me.

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