What Did You Do To Your Tank Today?

Aqua Tom

Fish Gatherer
Oct 19, 2010
Reaction score
Planet Earth
Today I did some pruning of plants & replaced the wool in my filter.

Ordered a new external heater to replace my internal one & free up some space.


I have also noticed that my Angelfish is getting real friendly & actualy comes to greet me when I go near the tank.

Cleaned my 6 gallon out and added all the young paradise fish to it so they can grow up a bit before going to the LFS for the owner.
Re-scaped my 15 gallon tank and did a water change on the axolotl tank.

Turned my nano tank light on as part of my ritual of getting up in the morning, did some coursework for the deadline tomorrow morning! Then turned the light onto the brighter setting and attempted to count how many baby shrimp there were... impossible :blink:
today i changed gravel for sand in my little aquastart 320 tested water in both tanks (other is a juwel vision 260) did partial water changes in both and added 6 neons to aquastart which is gonna be home to a betta soon, i added neons first so betta will feel he's in someone elses territory !! will be adding an apple snail and possibly kuhli loach and more neons at a later date as i don't want to over load filter.happy day, pleased with sand as it's first time i've used it.
On my way home to feed my family in the 300l. Test water on my new small 20l. Make a new batch of ferts as i used the last this morning. Will then sit and watch them for quite a bit! :)
today i worked most the day so have not touched my tanks :sad: i have however found a space for the 8 gal i need to set up tomorrow for my bettas :lol:

tomorrow is where it all gets done
Today I stripped out some plants from my tank (and cleaned some annoying algae off - wasn't a lot but still annoying). Replanted some, and left some spaces for some plants I ordered off the internet that are coming tomorrow. Also did a water change whilst I was at it, and added some Easylife Profito + Carbo. Tested my water about 5 hours after the water change, and parameters are not bad.

Waited for a delivery from Royal Mail (don't want to slate them but they didn't ring the bell or knock), and then picked up the delivery from the local post office which was Tetra Pro Colour wafers.

Apart from that have kept my eye on one of my albino barbs which seems to be near the surface a lot, so it's not looking great. All the other fish look fine! Hopefully he'll pull through, as I can't see any other signs of illness.
I stayed in as I am expecting a delivery of a new backing for the tank and a diffuser clip for my Eheim installation kit from aquatics-online, I know it had been despatch two days ago, but aaargh it didn't arrive... thanks Royal Mail!!!!.
Gave My fish 1 of their weekly treats of bloodworm... needless to say it was destroyed in seconds :)

now im just watching them under moonlight ahhh relaxing stuff indeed
I stayed in as I am expecting a delivery of a new backing for the tank and a diffuser clip for my Eheim installation kit from aquatics-online, I know it had been despatch two days ago, but aaargh it didn't arrive... thanks Royal Mail!!!!.

Diffuser clip? Interesting! Am looking for an alternative to the Eheim 2215 spray bar. Do you have a venturi or something? Am not certain of all the addons for Eheim outlets so this is of particular interest to me!
cleaned the gravel and water change... also knocked the lighting unit off the top and smashed both tubes, so they are living in the dark untill payday.

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