What Country Are Fishkeepers From?

What country are you from?

  • United Kingdom

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im from a town near winnipeg manitoba canada, and i also would like to say manitoba is its own country, as are the other 12 provinces/territories. (if the UK can do it so can we)

Err, no. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Eire are all countries - not provinces, states, counties or anything and that's how it's always been.
Each of those countries is divided into counties - no-one is saying those counties should be named as countries. But, facts are that GB and UK are made up of multiple countries, not one country divided into provinces, counties, states, whatever you want to call them.
Happy to both Scottish and British here :D .

I think some people here need to take some geography or history lessons...at the very least hit up wikipedia on the subject :rolleyes:.

Thanks to JustKia and others for laying it out correctly for some people :).

ANYWAY, got quite a few fish stores around here (some better than others), plus the big Pets@Home chain stores.
ballynahinch n.ireland, been using useless local lfs for yrs, just found decent one 10 miles away. after seeing their fish i wish id went marine instead of tropical :crazy:
as for my nationality british/irish/n.irish? i give up, just want bit of peace. *** folks its bad when these arguments happen in fish forum.
my comment wasnt intended to start a riot lol but some people need to learn some more geography
and to those people that want to start there own nation a few hundred years history seems to be a good start from what i can make out
scot :)
some interesting reading though i wasnt aware of all the geographical exclusions either :good:
Bedfordshire, England

Yeah, I don't really think England, Wales, Scotland and NI should have seperate votes, but they are all differant countries unlike California/Texas/New York etc

As someone already explained in great detail, the United Kingdom, isn't a country but a union of countries (England, Scotland, Wales and NI)

England, for example is spilt into many 'states' that are called county an example of English counties are;



Those are the English 'States'
Me? I'm from Manchester, England, United Kingdom, Earth, The Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, the Universe.
I'm in Castle Rock, Colorado. About 1/2 hour south of denver.

You're not that far from me, I'm in Cheyenne, WY about 2 hours from you. :good:

And to put on my moderator hat for a moment. Lets try to keep this friendly and on topic, I'm sure the OP didn't mean to offend anyone by listing the UK as a country.
Vancouver WA, in the US. Bad place for fish keeping sadly since no good fish stores within 30 min of me.

I live in Portland, Oregon just across the river. Have you been to The Wet Spot Tropical Fish Store on NE Hancock? That is a pretty cool store.
Im from beautiful BC, Canada. land of the moose.... :hyper:
Im from a town called Nanaimo and we actually have a good selection of fish stores.
We have the usual Walmart, PetSmart and recently lost are Petcetra
We also just got aquatec(Tropical fish warehouse), My fish tank(BESTTT), Paws& jaws, and Age of Aquariums

so were pretty lucky around here but still no real unique fish
I'm in the US. North Carolina to be exact. One observational note, I thought there would be more response to this pole. Or maybe I haven't been here long enough to realize that this has been done several times before? Either way, by the results so far, can I assume that this forum was formed in the UK? Anybody know where it started? Just interested.

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