What Country Are Fishkeepers From?

What country are you from?

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To justkia do you mean leamington spa, yorks? if so yorks is a country all of its own (and gods country :p) lol
I was born in camridgeshire, parents from bradford and leeds :D
To justkia do you mean leamington spa, yorks? if so yorks is a country all of its own (and gods country :p) lol
I was born in camridgeshire, parents from bradford and leeds :D

To give the town it's "full name" LOL I currently live (and was born) in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Grew up in a little village a few miles outside called Bishop's Itchington.
Is there a Leamington Spa in Yorkshire? :S
So what - that doesn't make England signifigant enough warrant an entire division.....

Whilst I accept that some organisations in the US likes to rewrite history, I wasn`t aware that geography was on the agenda too. :rolleyes: Seriously mate, that is a pretty ignorant statement. I live in Wales, but I am English. :wub:

To justkia do you mean leamington spa, yorks? if so yorks is a country all of its own (and gods country :p) lol
I was born in camridgeshire, parents from bradford and leeds :D

To give the town it's "full name" LOL I currently live (and was born) in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Grew up in a little village a few miles outside called Bishop's Itchington.
Is there a Leamington Spa in Yorkshire? :S

Yeah there is lol my bad :blush:
justkia thanx for that :)
some people should say nothin if they dont know what there talking about also i think havin different languages is enough to "warrent" a section i dont care been from the uk lol but some people do we arnt little states you know we are seperate nations
rant over hehe scot :)

Differing languages warrant the divisions of people into countries? Really. Well, we have many countries in the US then as in part of the country there is a good deal of Spanish, French, Cantonese, various Indian Languages (of course those ARE technically nations) and much more. For that matter, there are parts of Canada where French is prominant so I guess we have more than one Canada. Interest context. Perhaps we should be even more decisive and divide by dialects and accents. If we do that we can divide the US into thousands upon thousands of parts...

So what - that doesn't make England signifigant enough warrant an entire division.....

Whilst I accept that some organisations in the US likes to rewrite history, I wasn`t aware that geography was on the agenda too. :rolleyes: Seriously mate, that is a pretty ignorant statement. I live in Wales, but I am English. :wub:


My foolish friend, rewriting history is not American, but human. Now THAT was an ignorant statement.
I am from East Hartford, CT. We got a few good stores about 10-15 minutes away, a lot of Petco and Petsmarts selling fish too. Good spots in Vernon, South Windsor, and Manchester. Some spots towards Mass too. Want more info, let me know. The LFS near me sell tons of cool fish and creepy crawlies! LOL
My foolish friend, rewriting history is not American, but human. Now THAT was an ignorant statement.

Good come back! :crazy:

That`s the spirit, try and hide your ignorance by trying to pass it on using capital letters and automatic gainsay. Class. :good:

England is a country, Texas isn`t.

some people should say nothin if they dont know what there talking about

Sorry about my incorrect geography but is it only me who is annoyed by people who would prefer us to divide into seperate, smaller, less influential, weaker countries?

I'm going to pretend that I am not currently taking A-level Geography :rolleyes:
Dave, Texas wasn't part of the USA until relatively recently - I think that's what he was getting at.
Hodgeheg, yep, I think you're probably in the minority of people who would rather think of the UK as all one "country" rather than separates.
LOL I know the Scots, at least, like to keep their distance (don't they still have a separate government? I know they have a separate repositiry for vital events and censuses).
It's a bit like saying Europe is a country...

But ya know what - on here we're all just one big happy family that loves their fish :wub:
im from a town near winnipeg manitoba canada, and i also would like to say manitoba is its own country, as are the other 12 provinces/territories. (if the UK can do it so can we)

we have quite a few good stores near us, some specialize in marine, some have just oddballs, and some have just tropical, but i have a fair selection
the united kingdom isn't a country by the way, im from England.

So what - that doesn't make England signifigant enough warrant an entire division. Though I live it Texas I don't insist that Texas has its own division from the United States all because it was its own country and "still has the right to secede from the union" (though some Texans would, perhaps, insist on this - lol!).

Good god! The United Kingdom is a country :< It's just not a nationality. But, as the OP asked what country you're from the answer would be the UK.

Stronger together :)

I'm from the UK by the way :) and I'm English thank you very much.

doesn't make england significant, the question was what country we are from, yes? im from england, that is a country, the uk is not a country.
so the uk is a country, not a nationality? you couldn't be any further from the facts, the uk is a nation not a country, england is a country, seen as though the question was what country we are from, my answer of england is far more correct than to say the uk.
i would consider myself english way before british, i am from england, a country within britain. anyone who tries to say this is wrong then they need to visit a little place called school again.

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