What are you doing today?

I heard a robin singing this morning! Robins are, as a whole, grossly optimistic critters, but still. It gave me hope that maybe spring will come before June this year.

Also, I just had a parent tell me that a song we're doing in first grade (Try Everything, all about having the courage to attempt difficult things) completely turned her kid's mood around.
So yeah. It's a good day.
Been working on the new car.
Seems to be an issue with the compression. The cooling system is pretty messed up, so I am going to try to get that in line before moving forward. Just got to get it air-tight enough to hold pressure.
What would be the car? I know that there are good car forums across the Internet, as well as several DIY videos.
Sounds to me like you’re in for some real mechanic work . Maybe pull the heads and find even more once that’s done . If you’ve never rebuilt an engine before don’t be intimidated or put off by it . It’s just time consuming is all . Kinda like building a model .
Yes, an engine rebuild can be done by following specific instructions as long as you have good basic knowledge. For instance let's take 'pulling the heads'. It isn't just a matter of removing bolts. You need a manual for the engine whether it be hard copy or on-line. As to manuals Chilton has always been considered the best. You would also need a decent torque wrench. When removing heads the bolts MUST be loosened and tightened in a specific order along with the torque on each bolt. If not done properly as to sequence and torque the heads will warp as to shape and become expensive paper weights. The only fix would be to have the heads ground back to totally flat. That can actually improve performance as it would increase compression as the combustion chamber would be made smaller. Another issue with heads and head gaskets is if there is a busted head gasket. A broken head gasket can cause the engine block to develop burn channels which replacing the head gaskets will not solve as the gasket will not be under correct pressure in the areas of the block burns and will just blow out again.
Today I gaze out my window at the snow falling ever so blissfully and I do not lament because it’s melting as it hits the ground . The sun is a bit higher in the sky and the days a bit longer and all I wonder now is if my mower will start in six weeks . I think I’m going to survive another winter .
Today I gaze out my window at the snow falling ever so blissfully and I do not lament because it’s melting as it hits the ground . The sun is a bit higher in the sky and the days a bit longer and all I wonder now is if my mower will start in six weeks . I think I’m going to survive another winter .
Nice story. You would make a great poet.
Sad day in Sheridan Wyoming as a cop was murdered yesterday. Things like this just don't happen in this small town. The officer was just delivering a trespass warrant and the person pulled a gun and blew him away. The officer didn't even have enough time to open his holster. Should there have been a backup officer? Possibly but this was just a trespass thing and, as quick as it went down, backup probably would have just resulted in two dead cops.

After a day the perpetrator is still barricaded in the house and firing on officers. Since there is even a SWAT task force from Cheyenne Wyoming apparently involved and they still can't get him out of the house one would have to assume that he is heavily armed. It has also come out that the person is also a Meth addict. Adding up the Meth aspect, along with apparently being heavily armed, I suspect that when it all comes out the house will be shown to be a Meth lab.

Ya, a sad day for my town but it is even worse. This officer was just married to another cop in 2021 and they just had their first child. A VERY sad situation. Call me cold if you want but I truly hope that this person does not come out of the house alive. :(
Just as a followup I wasn't sure on something... I think that you know that I am not a coldhearted person but I am relieved to see that Wyoming still enforces the death penalty if this person comes out of the house alive.

Sorry but this is a hard thing for me. My step father back in Ohio was a fireman and I knew most of the cops in my home town and partied with many. Sure, there are bad cops but most are just people that have the guts to put their life on the line to protect you and me. While I wouldn't say we were in any way friends I knew this officer and he was a good guy with a young family. He will be missed in my little town.
Just as a followup I wasn't sure on something... I think that you know that I am not a coldhearted person but I am relieved to see that Wyoming still enforces the death penalty if this person comes out of the house alive.

Sorry but this is a hard thing for me. My step father back in Ohio was a fireman and I knew most of the cops in my home town and partied with many. Sure, there are bad cops but most are just people that have the guts to put their life on the line to protect you and me. While I wouldn't say we were in any way friends I knew this officer and he was a good guy with a young family. He will be missed in my little town.
Terrible situation. I’m with you supporting the death penalty for cold blooded murderers when there is no doubt to the perpetrators guilt. Unfortunately this type of violence is all too common.
Finished tanning an elk hide, then realized that I did part of it wrong and could do it a lot better. I believe it can be redone, though. I like learning to do new things. Especially when they're very old things, like tanning hides.
Just as a followup I wasn't sure on something... I think that you know that I am not a coldhearted person but I am relieved to see that Wyoming still enforces the death penalty if this person comes out of the house alive.

Sorry but this is a hard thing for me. My step father back in Ohio was a fireman and I knew most of the cops in my home town and partied with many. Sure, there are bad cops but most are just people that have the guts to put their life on the line to protect you and me. While I wouldn't say we were in any way friends I knew this officer and he was a good guy with a young family. He will be missed in my little town.
I also support the death penalty, despite not existing in Brazil's criminal law (except in cases of declaration of war). The last free person who was executed was José Pereira de Sousa, accused of killing a farmer (in 1861) and, in 1876, Francisco (a slave) was executed for killing his owner. Slavery was abolished only in 1888, also because Brazil chose a more gradualist approach to abolishing slavery.

The absurd is that not even life imprisonment exists here, there are several benefits for imprisoned people.
Well. Mr Barnicles is not amused with me today 😬 the washing machine made an absolute racket during its last spin...I wasn't worried because it does that sometimes when I've popped one too many items in. However, I was met with an overwhelming amount of shredded tissue and debris that covered the door, the clothes, everything. Unfortunately this is a regular occurance, I always forget to check pockets and hubby always has at least half a loo roll shoved in every pocket. I sighed and cursed under my breath as I mentally prepared myself for the clean up...I very quickly realised though that it was in fact debris from a very shredded seal 😱 and the culprit was my favourite over-shoulder-boulder-holder. New seal ordered, lighter purse and lesson learned🤦‍♀️ don't over load the washing machine

What are you doing today?​

Just came home from bringing a parcel to a courier. It will be shipped to Poland. Three groups of endlers: Cumana staeck,Cumana rainbow and Campoma nr.31 blue snake. It's send special delivery, so he'll get them somewhere by the end of tomorrow afternoon.

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