What are you doing today?

Went to the thrift store yesterday which was the first time it was open since before Christmas and found a small bunch of Daiwa Lexa 100h reels in a container for $4 each.
I tested all of them as much as possible and got one for my dad and one for myself.
Basically a steal! Lol
Mine is lined with braid, but idk if I'll use the stuff on there as idk how old it is or what the test is on it
This morning I went out for my daily three and a half mile walk . It was eight below when I started out but I was smart . I put on my old winter gear from working at the airport on . The best thing was my surplus USAF Mickey Mouse boots . Those boots are warm ! If you need a good really waterproof warm boot then get yourself a pair .
That looks good ! What time’s supper ?
Whenever *I* get hungry. ;) Probably kielbasa on a baguette tonight. Tomorrow I figure a top sirloin and twice baked tater for NFL playoffs.

I already placed a second order but mostly veggies such as the following.
1 (22 oz. tray) Steakhouse Broccoli and Cauliflower Gratin
1 (20 oz. tray) Steakhouse Creamed Corn
2 (6.5 oz. pkgs.) Green Beans in Butter Sauce
1 (15 oz. pkg.) Corn & Edamame Succotash
4 (3 oz.) Individual Baguettes with Garlic Butter
1 (32 oz. tray) Family-Size Smashed Red Potatoes
1 (21.2 oz. tray) Root Vegetable Gratin

A lot of the above trays which I cook and then repackage for individual servings and refreeze. Since I have vacuum freezer bags freezer burn shouldn't be an issue.
Just got done pulling loaches out of my 125 and dropping them off at Fish Planet along withe 3 large bags of bolbitis. Got 25% off 3 bags of Red Flint sand for the 120.

Now on our way to Beyond the Reef so Sis can pick up some sand and rock for our 38 gallon saltwater tank upgrade.
Still in my business pre-incubator project. Today I tried to make a new food for my brine shrimp. I used rice bran with some fresh water. After using a mixer, filter with a coffee cloth filter I got some cloudy solution. Just poured on the culture. I hope it works.
I finally trimmed away a log of algae afflicted plants today that I've been putting off. Last summer I trimmed all my plants down to the substrate because everything was infected but the new regrowth has been healthy and better than ever. Scorched earth has its merits. A permanent solution to algae is not one.
Still in my business pre-incubator project. Today I tried to make a new food for my brine shrimp. I used rice bran with some fresh water. After using a mixer, filter with a coffee cloth filter I got some cloudy solution. Just poured on the culture. I hope it works.
Sounds interesting.
Made an offer on a house today! It has a stand-alone, heated music studio, room for an archery range in the back yard, a huge garage/shop area, and a pond.

Also, just ordered two new, fancy whistles for myself, one from Ireland and one from Portugal. I'll try them out and keep the one I like best. Good times.
Made an offer on a house today! It has a stand-alone, heated music studio, room for an archery range in the back yard, a huge garage/shop area, and a pond.

Also, just ordered two new, fancy whistles for myself, one from Ireland and one from Portugal. I'll try them out and keep the one I like best. Good times.

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