What are you doing today?

Was just browsing the net waiting for a baseball game to start and, due to a TV commercial, I looked up the following article. Never would have thought that the majority of sharks are live bearers...
I just let someone steal my car. ;) Actually, since I got my electric trike largely due to not wanting to drive anymore due to being blind in my right eye resulting is a loss of side vision and true depth perception I'm just not comfortable driving.

Anyway I was going to donate the car to Cars For Vets as I've gotten way more than my money out of the thing. It is a 2002 Mercury Sable LS Premium with the SHO engine putting out 260 horse and will still get down for which I paid $1500.00 USD and drove for over 10 years. The brother of an apartment neighbor needed a car and I told them $500.00 USD. The car is probably actually worth more but does need some work such as a new battery and cables, radiator hoses and and possibly a new solenoid on the starter motor. It IS a good car that still gets over 31 MPG on the interstate and does not leak oil. Getting $500.00 USD rather than just donating pays well over a third of the cost for my electric trike and helps someone out. The neighbor is a certified mechanic and will do the work needed. Since it needs a battery, cables and hoses I felt that the $500.00 USD was fair as, if I did all the work myself I would have probably asked $1000.00 USD. Cutting that in half without having to work on a car I really don't even want seems quite fair to me. Actually, last time I looked, this car Blue Booked at around $4000.00 USD in good condition but while there is only one small rust spot on the exterior the inside is messed up with a lot of cigarette burns on the leather seats and broken AC/heat vents.

All in all I think it is a good and fair deal as the neighbor's brother gets a really good running car and I get a third of my initial cost after 10 years. Oh, to get an idea of how good of a car this really is earlier all three of us went down and tried starting the thing. Keep in mind that it has not been started in a year and a half. The mechanic neighbor cleaned the battery cables and connected his jumper box. After leaving the jumper box connected a few minutes the beast started on the second crank and ran smooth. That actually surprised me a bit...
Profitable day. :) The guy I sold my car to came over a while ago with a $500.00 USD money order. Tomorrow afternoon we will go to my credit union which offers free notary services to members. A notary seal is required in Wyoming for a car title transfer.

Oops, forgot to actually post the above so I'll just add.

First we were supposed to get together to get the title transfer notarized but they never showed up. No big deal to me as I already have payment. ;)

Got my lock box to hold tools for my trike today, a day early. Holds my tire patch kit and basic tools fine but MAY not be large enough to hold the air pump I would also need. Won't know for sure until the pump gets here but, if the pump does not fit I'll just get another box. A tire patch kit is pretty useless without an air pump. ;)

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A bit late but we went to Wimbledon for the tennis yesterday. A combined 60yrs of applying by MrsLurch and myself finally paid off. 2x&70 tkts got us back row seats for the whole day on Court 1 (the second best court) in row ZC. Front row is row A it works back to row Z….then ZA, ZB and ZC. £70 may seem a lot but it’s for the whole days play on a show court.
Surprisingly still a very good view in the back row of both ladies doubles semi finals and both mixed doubles semi finals. General admission tkts which get you into the grounds and allow admission to the other 20 or so minor courts where there’s still lots of tennis being played seem like a good alternative.
There’s a lot to watch even when the ball isn’t in play. The umpire, line judges, tv cameras, photographers etc.
Plus the ball boys/girls who are drilled to within an inch of their lives and are the true stars of the show. There’s only six balls being used at a time which surprised me. Getting them from wherever they land back to the server before the next service is wonderful to watch.
There’s also “security” in the front rows consisting of a couple of uniformed army, air force and royal navy serviceman and is a tradition going back to the mists of time.

All in all I can’t recommend it enough especially if you’re SE England based and it wouldn’t involve staying in hotels etc. So there’s one of my bucket list things ticked off. We’ve decided to keep applying though because we both enjoyed it.

Returned home to find the cat had been on a killing spree of the mice that live beneath the areas multiple garden offices, sheds and summer houses. One victim in front garden, one in side garden, one in back garden and he’d kindly brought two into the dining room in case we fancied anything to eat when we got home after a long day at the tennis. He’s all heart that lad.
I just made some reservations. In a couple of weeks, I'll take a ferry ride with my two Yorkshire friends, and go to an island from which we'll spend 5 hours whale and bird watching, with seals thrown in. Grand Manan Island, a beautiful place. I did the same trip 35 (gulp) years ago. The best whale watching I've done was off Newfoundland, but Grand Manan was a very close second. I just like being on the sea in a relatively small boat. Seeing puffins and humpbacks is just gravy - the boat ride is pretty good. I'll have a good chance of seeing porpoises, Mincke, fins, and humpbacks, with an outside chance of right whales, Mola mola, and basking sharks. The last time out there was on a lobster boat, and a finback decided to swim beside us. We made long eye contact, checking each other out, mammal to mammal. I felt like I'd been lifted up by an Ent in Lord of the Rings.

Today, I'll visit family. I'll leave my 22 degree bay side home and travel to 30c and humid. Along the way, there's a very good aquarium store with excellent plants on offer.
Water exchange day this morning. Vivaldi opera Griselda on utube in the afternoon and then a Vivaldi concert tonight at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall.
my cat got out last night. Not sure if he hunted, but he was ready to come in for breakfast this morning, which was a great relief. He waited in the back yard safe from coyotes until I got up to let him in. Pond leak to check today then a visit with a granddaughter, and home
It's true what the bumper stickers say: A bad day fishing is [usually] better than a good day working. But a great day fishing? Man, that's about as good as it gets. Smoked trout for supper, anyone?
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@Rocky998 You might be interested to know about these fish. I caught most of them in a big hole where a tiny creek emptied into a big lake. The water was moving, which makes presentation a lot easier, but it was really easy to see the fish rise to the fly. Best of both worlds!

But here's the funny part. I was using a hopper pattern. The fish were acting well-fed and kind of bored. They'd come up and bump my hopper with their noses but not take it, just like spoiled aquarium fish checking out a new food source. So I started hitting it into the water really hard, SMACK!, then twitching it back upstream like a streamer. A hopper swimming against the current, under water. Yeah, it didn't look like anything in nature. 😆 Did the trick, though. Guess it triggered the predatory instinct. They'd see that bug getting away and just couldn't stand it. By about the third twitch they'd be fighting each other for it. Caught probably ten of them that way. Let a bunch of them go; just kept the legal limit for supper. They weren't slowing down, but I decided not to educate them all, so I can bring the Badgerling back there later. So much fun!
Get well soon. 🤒
Another trip to bluewater today to get hubby a birthday pressie. Also popped down to the lfs to grab some live food. The blood worms were large.. actually they were massive. Didn’t like the look of them so I opted for brine shrimp instead. I'll have to stick with the frozen blood worm, much better for the size of fish I have.
I also carried out the weekly water change today ☺️
I'm tired. have Grandma's cabinet done and ready to deliver to my daughter tomorrow or Monday. I'll put the machine back in at her house.


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Went on a four mile hike in the canyon with the girls and the pup, with heavy pack. Training for a planned backpacking trip to begin next weekend. Found some good-looking bow wood, too. Just need to contact the Forest Service to find out how to harvest it legally.

Now, to start moving furniture out of the guest room so we can re-floor it tomorrow.

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