What are you doing today?

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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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So smell/taste gone for now. Hopefully it will make an appearance sometime today.

Just having some coffee and watching my redone brackish tank. I had 7 goblin fish and 13 gobies. Yesterday count was 4 goblins and 6 gobies. Could be the goblins ate some smaller goby like they predated on the rainbow fish ( still have one of those). Going to be adding a zebra blenny either Friday or Saturday. If they have any gobies, I may add another 3 to the tank. I may also stop at a Petco in WI to get a couple more hermit crabs. Had 4 and 1 is still alive. I originally had a Tidal and my Azoo on the tank. The Tidal just got but with the Aragonite sand I was afraid of the damage to the motor. Since I had the Sicce 400 sitting around I added that to the other end and they all seem to be enjoying the extra current. I wound up not putting all of the lava rock back into the tank, hoping the pieces that went in have enough BB to keep things going. Of course the media from the Tidal is in the Azoo, but that tidal was never dirty.


You know what I realized... You don't know how small your tank is until you try to scape it 🤣

And dang my 20g high feels tiny every time I try to change something
I think I'm going to take most of the rocks out of my 20g and put them in a peroxide/water solution...
Today I finished Keeper of the Lost Cities book #2 and now I'm on a fish forum. We have plans to go to my grandparents' for thanksgiving. They have a pretty wild property and Dad wants to bring a bow should we run across a small innocent mammal. Bonus Thanksgiving dish!
Dang my tank looks super bare but I'm living the wood scape! :)
The rocks are in the bucket.
Had to deal with a bucket spill... Freaked out but got it cleaned up (still need to mop to sanitize the floors).
Yah it's official... I'm bad at scaping 😂

It looks BAAAAAD.
Hopefully when I get that 40g, that piece of wood will just make up for how bad I really am 😅

I think I just need lots of plants...
And my plants hate me. Or at least the java ferns do
So what are you up to or what did you do today?
Today, I mowed a client's lawn and replaced a catalytic converter on our family's car(with a bit of my dad's help).
Your turn!
I (working in recruitment) hired 2 people,chased docs then did 50 % water change on my currently empty tank. Chased up where my plants were and went to Lidls. I know how to live.
And my plants hate me. Or at least the java ferns do
Yah it's official... I'm bad at scaping 😂

It looks BAAAAAD.
Hopefully when I get that 40g, that piece of wood will just make up for how bad I really am 😅

I think I just need lots of plants...
Pictures wanted.
Maybe... 😬
It's lookin... UgLy.

If I take a photo it will be later tonight as to avoid glare
But wait... If there is glare maybe it will take away some of the ugliness 🤣
We'll see.
I will add the rocks BACK in at another time... I only kept a few rocks in.
Let me try to get a photo 😅

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