
Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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I was so worried about my dog. At 11 PM sunday night my german sherperd mix had her first seizure. She got over it and at 12 she had another then 2 more. My whole family was up and then she had another seizure. We decided at 1AM to go to the emergency vet. BY this time she had 4 or 5 seizures. We got her in the car and when we got to the vet she had a small one. Well she stayed the night and we picked her up and took her to my regular vet. She stayed there and my vet took her home to watch her. She only had seizures when she was stressed. We just picked her up and got some medication. 3 different kinds. PRICY! We think it is either eperetsy, valley fever, maybe tick fever and doubtely brain tumor. I just wanted to vent. It was so horrible. My last dog had a violent seizure and died so I was so horrified my girl might do the same. THANK GOD SHE IS ALRIGHT.
Hi mrcrabbs :)

Awwww poor girl. :sad:

I hope the medicine helps her and she never has another seizure. That must have been a terrible experience for you all. :X
Thank you all. She has been drinking a lot of water, and has not sat down for more then a minute. Im hoping she wont have another seizure. Poor dog.
Yeah we will. We have her on 3 different kinds of medication, vitamin C, and some metamucal. She is DOING SO MUCH BETTER. She has been really tired but is so much more herself. My little mischief making chewed out her cathater in the middle of the night. Good thing it comes off today. Anyways, I am just glad my girl is getting better. The medication makes her dozy but hopefully she will get used to it.
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! I'm sure that was horrible watching her go through that. I hope that she continues to get better and won't have any more seizures.
that happened to my friends dog it was soo scary watchin it happen

hope he gets better
Well we are slowly decreasing the steroids she is on and she is a little moer aware but still pees a lot in the house. 3 or 4 times a day at least. She hurt her leg today but it is better. I think she will start becoming more aware soon. Thanks for asking and your concerns. she appreciates it :)
thats horrible to experience, I know the feeling. My italian greyhound has epilepsy and has to take meds 3 times a day to prevent them, yet he still gets them and when he does its so sad cause you cant do anything but hold him and talk him through it. did they check for anti-freeze poisoning as well? i heard that can cause seizures in dogs too.good luck with everything.
Thank you all so much. But today I heard her bark for the first time since she was ill. Someone rang the doorbell and she let out and started barking for 5 minutes. I always wondered why we taught her to bark but today I was quite relieved to here her bark. She peed again in the house and on herself but I have a feeling she is going to get better soon.
I'm sorry about your dog. It is a horrible experience to go through. Did she have cluster seizures? Or was it just one?
Just for the FYI. Shes dead now. Found this thread and thought I would let you all know that the brain dead doctor couldn't figure out that when you give a dog a shot you shouldn't give her too much at once and he also didn't realize you test a dogs liver when shes on who knows how many medications. So the one thing I loved and would have done anyhting for is dead.

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