Welcome To The World My New Baby...

On the 2nd child you get them awful after pains.
germ, it may not be practical at this point in time (;) ) but your gf may want to look into yoga for her bad back. weightlifting might also be a good choice since there are a lot of excercises to strengthen ones back and shoulders. i used to have a horribly achey back all the time. weightlifting helped 75% and yoga took care of another 20%. that last 5% is shoulder-rubs from my bf. :hey:

do post another pic soon, rhiannon. they change so fast!
No no, your not hijacking the thread at all. I hope she can find some relief in her back pain. At one stage I couldnt even walk with my back pain. Now I have bad back pain from giving birth and straining so much, so I am having physio and its helping.

Here is a new pic of the little man. He is 2 weeks old today. He is sleeping well, feeding well and is a really good baby. His sister loves him to bits.

Thanks to all the new replys and well wishes.

Love Raz

Ooohhh he's gorgeous! I love babies skin, so smooth and peaches 'n creamy :wub:
You have a beautiful family, congrats on your new wee one!
You can tell he's thinking "oh no, not the camera AGAIN!!".
Keep the pics coming though Rhiannon, he's beautiful!
Yes he is adorable, bet you are one proud mum.
Thanks guys!

Gee I have really been neglecting this forum and all of my friends here, I'm just so busy :blush:

Well here is another couple of pics taken today. He is now 18 days old.

There is one of me and Tyson and one of just him. He is changing every day.

He sleeps 6hrs overnight between feeds..gosh I am lucky I tell ya what!

Love Rhiannon


Thanks! I am feeling fantastic. I feel ontop of the world. I dont even feel like I have given birth 18 days ago.

After giving birth to my first child, I felt like crap for months. Felt disgusting, looked disgusting, was in pain etc etc, but this time round its a whole different story..thankgod.
I was exactly the same with my first, big shock to the system. With my second daughter, I was out of the hospital the same day and felt great. I suppose you are more clued up second time around.

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