Walking Aoyama (45cm Tank)

Hi Justin,
Nice to see you join the forum and share with us. I'm sure all of us will benefit from you stay. As a matter of fact, I used to live in Kowloon in Hong Kong as well. I immigrated to the United States when I was two.

In regards to your tank named "Breeze of Wild," how did you keep the substrate from self leveling itself. Is there a trick to it, or did you manage to have the plants root and hold the gravel in place before it self leveled?
yah yah yah^^^^^^^^^ and what kinda rocks are those if you dont mind?do you need some specific rock to not upset the balance of the tank like ph?
To Dubby, Annastasia, IovaykInD, and danski:
Thanks for your support! I will keep posting my photos here if you guys really love them!

I used ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia for my sustrate coz it contains plenty of nutrients! sure, there is another porblem that algae will grow faster!
I have no ideas to keep the slope so steep especially when many shrimps are there! I just use the most stupid method--just keep remove the soil+sand at the bottom, then keep adding the soil to the top and add the sand at the bottom again every week, that's all! Surely the roots of the plants are really useful, after the plants grow well, less soil slide down from the top to the sand.
um....I dun know what is the name of the stone in English! sorry~
But I can sure the stone will rise the pH coz my friends got it and he checked the pH by pH meter!

The substrate (9L pack) is £24 at Aquaessentials while its only about £16 in ADA Thailand :( These so expensive here in UK !!! Grrr... Do any of you guys know a cheaper place to get these in UK?
The substrate (9L pack) is £24 at Aquaessentials while its only about £16 in ADA Thailand :( These so expensive here in UK !!! Grrr... Do any of you guys know a cheaper place to get these in UK?
Shipping costs.

We are very lucky to have ADA products available in the UK IMO. I for one am grateful.
The substrate (9L pack) is £24 at Aquaessentials while its only about £16 in ADA Thailand :( These so expensive here in UK !!! Grrr... Do any of you guys know a cheaper place to get these in UK?
Shipping costs.

We are very lucky to have ADA products available in the UK IMO. I for one am grateful.
I agree that we are very lucky to have ADA products available here. I have my doubts about the pricing as you can get it for $26 in US. (http://www.adgshop.com/SearchResults.asp?Search=soil)

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