Walking Aoyama (45cm Tank)

Justin Law

New Member
Mar 21, 2006
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Hi everyone! This is my new layout after Summer Dance last year!
I like photography and I always go hiking around Hong Kong, I would like to have a small layout at my home which is small copy from the nature!

Aoyama is a japanese word which means "green hill"
I hope you guys will like it!

Tai Long Sai Wan in Hong Kong:

see more in:

1. ADA Cube Garden 17"(L)X12"(H)X9"(W)
2. ADA NA LAMP 15W X 4 (Total 60W)
3. CO2 24 hours(2 bubbles/sec)
4. Fertilizers: ADA STEP 1, ADA Brighty K, ADA iron bottom, ADA Phyton-Git, ADA Palm Net
5. Filter: Eheim 2224
6. Change water twice a week and 1/2 each time

#1 Front Wide View of Aoyama

#2 Side View

#3 Going up the top of the Aoyama, blue sky with white cloud!

#4 Sitting on the grass, facing the big sea view!




Crikey ! That tank and photography is outrageous ! :hyper: :wub: (and very inspiring)
I'm just so engrossed in those photos and can't get enough of them. Do you (currently) have any other tanks ?

ooo - even more dreamy photos to drool over in your album.
I see you have a variety of shrimp there - what are they ?

Ps: George, I had a sneaky suspicion you had something to do with Justin "just dropping by" ;)
Welcome Justin and thank you again for taking the time to contribute to our community.

We are honoured to have you aboard and I hope you enjoy your time on here.

You already know what I think of your work. Simply wonderful.

For those who haven't heard of Justin he is the AGA 2005 Best of Show winner - here and aquascaping guru (in my eyes at least).

Ps: George, I had a sneaky suspicion you had something to do with Justin "just dropping by" ;)
What gives you that idea??!!

It's true I did contact Justin, and I'm very flattered that he has taken the time post some of his work - and he promises to post more too. I hope Justin will also answer your questions. Excuse his english though - his words, not mine.

I'm certain Justin's work will provide furthur inspiration to others. The tank is only 18" (45cm) and is proof you don't need lots of space to create something very special. Note the use of ADA ferts etc. These are now available in the UK through Aqua Essentials. Neil already uses them and I intend using some of their products in my new set up.


Justin - I have a few questions if I may?

With your CO2 at 2 bubbles per second what is the CO2 level (ppm)?
What CO2 diffuser do you use?
Do you know the water chemistry? pH, KH, GH, NO3, PO4, temperature.
What plant is that; HM/HC? Did you plant it from the outset (beginning)?
Did you experience any algae at the start?
Hi Justin, and thanks! Your tank is amazing, very nice work indeed.
fishkiller_nomore, bloozoo2, gf225, pseud, oldwhitewood, thanks a lot, bros! :D
My English is not very well, so please let me know if you guys don't understand my wordings! :*) :*) :*)

To bloozoo2:
This is my latest layout! For the old layout, you can go to my photo album, take a look and comments: http://justinlaw.fotop.net , Or maybe I will post them later here.
Yes, there are 3 kinds of shrimps, but I don't know their English name, I just know their Chinese name. Are they called, Tiger Shrimp, Cherry Shrimp, and Blue Shrimp?

To George,
For your Questions,

1. With your CO2 at 2 bubbles per second what is the CO2 level (ppm)?
Sorry, I am too lazy that I didn't measure it from the beginning till now!

2. What CO2 diffuser do you use?
I use the one which is same design as ADA that one, but mine is from DAZS

3. Do you know the water chemistry? pH, KH, GH, NO3, PO4, temperature.
Yes, I know they are important index for you to maintain the water quality. However, as I am too lazy, even though I get those testing solution, but I haven't used them for a long time. I am now just see the health of the plants and I know how the water quality goes.

4. What plant is that; HM/HC? Did you plant it from the outset (beginning)?
It is Hemianthus callitrichoides"Cuba". Yes, I just buy three cup of Tropica (Hemianthus callitrichoides"Cuba") and plant it after the water cleared from the beginning!

5. Did you experience any algae at the start?
Yes, sure. For a new tank, the nitrifying bacteria is not enough to convert the NO3. Therefore, brown algae will grow faster than your aquaplant. I will add some Otocinclus sp. to the tank and they work! After the aquaplants grow well, the algae will not grow anymore!

Hope it is useful for you guys!

Justin :)
Thanks for the answers Justin.

Interesting that you do not test the water at all. I assume you have enough confidence in the plant and fish health to tell you if everything is ok or not.

It is also re-assuring to know that you can plant with your first choice of plant from the beginning. Most advice suggests that planting with lots of fast growing stem plants is required to fight of algae at the start of a new set-up. Or was your filter and substrate already mature from your "Summer Dance" layout?

How long did the brown algae take to go? How many Otos did you use?

Do your shrimp serve any algae eating purpose now or is algae not an issue?

What filter output do you use - a spray bay or lily pipe? Do you have a working photo of all the hardware running?

Thanks for the answers Justin.

Interesting that you do not test the water at all. I assume you have enough confidence in the plant and fish health to tell you if everything is ok or not.

It is also re-assuring to know that you can plant with your first choice of plant from the beginning. Most advice suggests that planting with lots of fast growing stem plants is required to fight of algae at the start of a new set-up. Or was your filter and substrate already mature from your "Summer Dance" layout?

How long did the brown algae take to go? How many Otos did you use?

Do your shrimp serve any algae eating purpose now or is algae not an issue?

What filter output do you use - a spray bay or lily pipe? Do you have a working photo of all the hardware running?


You are welcome, George!
Yes, you are right! planting with lots of fast growing stem plants is required coz if the soil is new, they are very rich fertilizer. bowever, I didn't plant them, therefore, algae bloom as a result.
For the brown algae, they took me for a week. After I had added 6 Otos, they clear all of them in one night! Mirales!
Yes, I use shrimps instead of fish coz I think they will help me to remove the algae on the leaves of the aquaplants.
My filter is Eheim 2224 which is 700L/hr! The output is lily pipe- ADA p2 lily pipe!

Man that is crazy! This has to be one of the best threads since I joined this happy community. What a privilege to have Justin share his wealth of knowledge with us :) I can see George has taken full advantage already! ;)

Gives me something to aim for with my nano! (I wish!) I would have put the tank at about 3foot! Especially from picture 2.

Removing all the equipment when taking photos, certainly makes the tank 'cleaner' and more natural.

Has left me a bit speechless to be honest.


EDIt - duely impressed that you only need to look at the plants to know if something is wrong! Much respect Justin
right..those are absolutely stunning tank and fish photos.. :thumbs: :thumbs:
someday..someday..i hope to create something like that..thanks for sharing..
That is amazing, Justin !!! Could you also give us a few tips on photographing the tanks, please.
Hi justin and welcome to the forum. it's fantastic that someone with your experience has joined our community. those pictures are just stunning, i hope to someday get my own tanks to such a high standard.

i am a bit lost for words to be honest.

out of interest how do you get the pictures with the sky blus background and hide all the equipment. it just makes the whole thing look super professional. i'd love to ba able to present pictures like that.

once again welcome and i hope you enjoy your time on here.

kenneth_kpe, Themuleous, danski, Dubby, jimbooo, thanks a lot!

For the final photography, I would like to remove all the hardware inside my tank. Surely, taking that final photos, i would like to clean my whole tank before I take them(e.g. clean all the green spot on glass, cut some aquaplant).
I would like to use a tripod, a digital camera, switch off all the lights at my room, adding a T5(blue) at the backside of my tank, so that a blue sky will be there!
My equipment is Canon EOS 350D with 17-40 F4L lens. I didn't use flash, just use the tank lights. :)
Thanks for the working shot Justin. The contrast is exceptional between that and the final presentation.

Is the ripple effect created by a hair dryer?
Do you leave the blue background in and the T5 light creates the light blue effect? It works extremely well, I'll remember that one. I just need the SLR camera now!!

Glad to see such positive feedback from everyone.

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