Urgent Plz Help!


Fish Crazy
Aug 6, 2008
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Well Cdarmychi went to the hospital today some sort of poisen they think...and now im stuck with her tanks!
They are all partway empty and the EMTs pulled the plugs on everything here...so now what do i do??!!!!!
I know NOTHING about fish. Theres a box of bottles on the table and a pair of gloves on one of the tanks with a nemo fish in it. Hoses everywhere and Im clueless, but her computer is still on here so I figure Id ask you all.....HELP!!!!
Well that is quite a predicament, I would say you should be ok as long as the tanks are running, and the fish seem happy and swimming around. If I were you I wouldn't do anything to the tanks except feed the fish daily. If there seems to be a problem with the fish I'm sure there are many people with way more knowledgeable than I that can assist you. Hopefully Cdarmychi is ok, is it serious?
Well Cdarmychi went to the hospital today some sort of poisen they think...and now im stuck with her tanks!
They are all partway empty and the EMTs pulled the plugs on everything here...so now what do i do??!!!!!
I know NOTHING about fish. Theres a box of bottles on the table and a pair of gloves on one of the tanks with a nemo fish in it. Hoses everywhere and Im clueless, but her computer is still on here so I figure Id ask you all.....HELP!!!!

any idea how long going to be in hospital?

if its days i wouldnt touch the tanks or feed them, just ut lights on and off thats all. dont feed! as this can cause more damage if u dont know what ur doing.
Im not sure how long....when I came through the door she was soaking wet and on the floor next to a tank with coral in it. She wasnt breathing too good so Im guessing that its going to be a while till she gets out. The lights are already off since they unplugged everything from the tanks in case there was electricity.So just leave everything the way it is? I kinda feel bad since some of the tanks are pretty empty...they dont have alot of water...

could i just turn on the tap and let the hose fill the tanks up so they can swim?
can u post pics of tanks, thi will give us a rough idea of them,

how many tanks is there?

how much water is there in them?

are they cracked?

how long they been unplugged for?

are theyre filters if so are the sponges etc still wet?

NO dont fill from hose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as we need to determine types of water etc first and conditions needed

this could take a bit of work
Yeah pictures would help, you may also want to plug in the tank depending on what is in there, but I wouldn't do anything to hasty. Post the pictures first and we can try to help you from there ^_^
well theres a tank with a blue lobster in it...
a tank with a bunch of those yellow things in the banner of the site....
um...4 little tanks with one fish each in them...
a tank with eels in it and other fish....

Ive just been told by the docs that since shes expecting shell be there for at least a week. And that it was a fish that got her...i think he said a scorpion? but he said it was a fish...

Oh theres a Huge tank with a coral reef and fish in it...thats different water right?
And theres a big tank just with these spiny things in them...
There a tank with these little things that kinda look like pudgy bees...there spotted.

The tanks have been uplugged for about 2 hours now. I dont see any cracks, but i smell something like plastic burning. Most tanks have sponges floating in them except for the ones that only have tubes hanging in from the back. I dont see any sponges for them. The one with the spikey fish has almost 5 inches of water in it...thats the one she was next to when she fell down. Theres a tiny tank that looks like a little bity ocean but thats full still, but unplugged.

Im sorry I cant find her camera...Im searching for it but Im freaking out right now and I dont know what to do. I hope from what i told you that helps.

I found a big garbage can with water in it. Is that for the fish?

ps....i found goldfish in the other room....
It was a scorpionfish...most likely a lionfish. Does she have a fish that looks like this? Their venom can be quite painful. You said that the tanks were half full...could she have been doing a water change? The burning plastic smell could be from a heater left plugged in. You should check around to be sure this isn't the case. If she was mid-waterchange, you'll need to sort out which are freshwater, which are saltwater, and which are brackish so that you can get the tanks filled up and plugged back in. The water in the bucket, is it saltwater or fresh? You may have to taste it if you don't mind.
She has two fish that look like that only not that color.

the water in the bucket is salty... and yes i did find what used to be a heater i think...a long black melted thing that burned my hand...so im guessing heater... I took that out and threw it out, was I right in thinking it cant be saved?

I found her fish food....cichlid pellets of different sizes, betta pellets, shrimp pellets, algae tablets, tropical flake, phytoplakton, marine granules, seaweed... but i shouldnt feed them because i dont know who gets what??
As stated, pics will help. If you smell something burning please unplug electrical devices for now. We all love fish, as well as most other animals here, but value the life of humans before that. I sure would hate to hear of a fire, especially one with someone getting injured.

Take your time finding the camera & posting pics. Fish are shipped in bags, with water, which hold anywhere from a cup to about a quart of water. They are in transit 24+ hours most of the time. This is how they get to the various shops they are purchased from.

With all electrical devices unplugged to avoid the risk of a fire, your next concern should be tank temperature. Turn up the room heat if possible, easy fix.

Next concern is the oxygen level. This is not too tough to keep reasonable, about once an hour go around the tanks with a cup, take out a cup of tank water & pour it back in. Do this a few times per tank.

As stated, do not feed. The fish will be fine for several days without food. Post some pics, we'll help get you through this as much as possible.
I wouldn't worry about feeding them. Fish can go for quite some time without food. So, is it just the one tank that is half-filled? The half-filled tank, is it the one with the scorpionfish in it? If so, this is saltwater and will need to be re-filled. Take a look at this link and see if you can find something that looks like any of these (there are many different kinds). These are hydrometers and measure the specific gravity of the water. You'll want to measure the SG of the tank water (if you dare) and then measure the SG of the water in the trash can to make sure that they are not far off from each other. If they are similar in SG then you can just refill the tank slowly with the water from the bucket. You were right to throw the heater away, it could be unsafe.
What you have is more of an equipment problem than a fish problem. Pics of the tanks, in the condition they are in right now will steer us in a more helpful direction.

We can't help care for the fish without knowing the equipment and current condition this setup is in.

Please don't risk a fire by plugging anything in yet. Heaters or pumps that are not properly set up can easily overheat.
Ive come to the conclusion that i am utterly and completely unqualified to handle this situation. Thus, I am calling every single fish store and pet sitting business in the state to try to find someone to come sort this out. I found notebooks full of charts, graphs, statistics, and I have even less of a clue as to what to do then when I started. And if any one of these fish die, Sakura will never forgive me. So, Im going to say goodbye to a small fortune in the hopes that when she comes home there will be an assortment of very expensive and apparently very fragile fish waiting to greet her. apparently from what ive read of her notes each tank has EXACT lvls for every possible chemical/salt/medication...and each tank is different. I dont even see all the different things she says go into each tank....so lets hope i can find someone who can do it for me.

And please keep Sakura in your thoughts...It seems that she has had a very bad reaction to both the sting and the treatment. Shes been moved to ICU and is on life support.

Thank you for your time, even though Im a hopeless cause with these poor fish....
Best of luck. You are doing your best. Sakura's life is first in line, so just do as best as you can as she makes a speedy recovery. If a fish doesn't make it, don't try to go out and just replace it. That's a whole new can of worms.

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