Urg I Got Mouth Full Of Fish Water When Using Gravel Vac

says 3 weeks before redose with latest med i brought (the one you recomended soz forgot its name)

i have now added melafix after deaths last night .

thanks will let vet no .

still having probs adding some pics as cant resize any tips ?
Melafix is useless it only good on cuts and wounds.
i only have SERA Nematol BEST Nematode Camallanus Roundworm Discus which i cant re-add for another 2weeks ,
myxazine ,protozine ,and melafix ,

is it a waste of time adding any of these ?
should i just wait for antibiotics from vets ?
what are the best meds to have in for a emergency so i have things covered for a range of probs,
each time i went to lfs they said this is the one,
is everything i brought (apart from the serma nematol ) the same stuff just different brands ?arggg

thank goodness your here wilder
Melafix is over priced and over rated med.
Mxyazin by waterlife a good med so keep that handy.
All you need is a whitespot med, bacterial med like myxazin and that's about it. Internal parasite med.
I would get the antibiotics as you need them for tb.
Mxyazin i do have but i put in melafix by mistake how many days should i wait before i can change to using mxyazin
Myxazin won't cure tb so I wouldn't bother adding it. You need antibiotics for tb like tetracycline, minocycline,Kanamycin.
Kanamycin + Vitamin B-6 for 30 days This is the treatment for tb.
Just been reading some of your posts, and not replying re the fish, more for you and your wellbeing. Did you go to the gp and get checked out? If its any help and puts your mind at ease, I have actually got tb! (latent) so am not contagious, but you just go on antibiotics for 3 months and its all good! I didnt catch from my fish either! Have you had a BCG (Big injection as a kid in your upper arm)? Your symptoms dont sound like tb symptoms if its any consolation! Hope you are feeling better

thanks for enquiring tory x

yes i did go to gp ...bit useless im afraid as they didnt believe anyone could get fish tb ,then they said they didnt no what to do so they said theyre sending me to a dermatologist as if tests need to be taken theyd be best for it ! but wouldnt give me any antibiotics..
glad that my symptoms dont sound same i dont have any sores but i didnt have a open sore on my hands .....i sucked on the gravel vac when i had a ulcer in my throat ,hence why i panicked with the throat probs ,i do have under skin bumps and lumps that are sore mostly around my face ,throat,neck which probably explains why the ears and throat etc are effected..i have regained my hearing but my ears ,eyes and throat are constanly on fire, and itchyand as i already have arthritis i wouldnt be any the wiser if i my joints hurt..
still loosing fish so worrying i no ..

id never heard of the fishy type till lfs said .. seems it can be transmitted through a few ways ..
i didnt have the bcg jab as was off school when it came around saw the scars on my sisters arms and scared of needles so somehow never had it ...

very sorry to hear youself having tb how are you now ? have you recieved all the right treatment ,thank you for taking the time to answer me as i no it brings up all things you have gone through yourself which i can only imagine wasnt pleasent but im very greatful for you for reasuring me ,hope your now on the up and getting stronger xx

thanks again kaz xx
I didn't have to have the tb jab either as the six prick marks stayed. So much of had tb as a child. Great.
i wonder how many have had the bgc jab , i never even had the 6 jab part ,my hubby never even had it either.

i spoke to my doctor today about the jab and he didnt seem concerned, in fact it was a different doctor who was very good i thought i was feelin better then bang my throat was worse on fire so i decided to go back to docs .. a new doctor was their as soon as i entered the room he said he'd read my notes wow ! very uncommon nowdays, he checked my throat said very nasty there is a terrible infection which could have come from the tank ,from bacterial or chemicals or dirty tank water ,he made a phone call to another doc asking advice and whats best meds ,put me on antibiotics ,throat antiseptics sprays ,ear stuff,checked my lumps under skin to see they hadnt gone into my lymph, and contacted the dermatologist as he said as refered to them hes making sure they will check for skin signs,lumps and do swabs and tests needed.........finally feel so much at ease .

so hoping the anti-b starts kicking in soon and that its just a infection caused from dirty tank water. at least ive found a good doctor

on the upside no fishy losses yet ..x
That's good news then. Get Better Soon.
i wonder how many have had the bgc jab , i never even had the 6 jab part ,my hubby never even had it either.

i spoke to my doctor today about the jab and he didnt seem concerned, in fact it was a different doctor who was very good i thought i was feelin better then bang my throat was worse on fire so i decided to go back to docs .. a new doctor was their as soon as i entered the room he said he'd read my notes wow ! very uncommon nowdays, he checked my throat said very nasty there is a terrible infection which could have come from the tank ,from bacterial or chemicals or dirty tank water ,he made a phone call to another doc asking advice and whats best meds ,put me on antibiotics ,throat antiseptics sprays ,ear stuff,checked my lumps under skin to see they hadnt gone into my lymph, and contacted the dermatologist as he said as refered to them hes making sure they will check for skin signs,lumps and do swabs and tests needed.........finally feel so much at ease .

so hoping the anti-b starts kicking in soon and that its just a infection caused from dirty tank water. at least ive found a good doctor

on the upside no fishy losses yet ..x

Hope your feeling better soon.

A little trick I learnt, from being a plumber... Instead of sucking the hose to start the siphoning, go to your sink tap and fill the hose with water, then put thumbs over each end, dip one end into the tank, keeping your thumb over the other. Then release the other end over a bucket, at a lower level. If you get it right, you should start the syphoning without having to put your mouth around it. :good:
A little trick I learnt, from being a plumber... Instead of sucking the hose to start the siphoning, go to your sink tap and fill the hose with water, then put thumbs over each end, dip one end into the tank, keeping your thumb over the other. Then release the other end over a bucket, at a lower level. If you get it right, you should start the syphoning without having to put your mouth around it. :good:

thanks will be trying that from now on.

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