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If you can trust your dad to do water changes, then yes, have him do them, making sure he is using dechlorinator.

I'm not really sure what triops are, but you have to remember tiger barbs are very agressive fish who are notorious fin nippers. Anything slow moving or with long fins is a big no. I know zebra danios can go in with tiger barbs, as can otos.
Yes, get your dad to do a water change daily - make sure he knows what to do :p

Once you have the 29 set up (a 30 would be better) and cycled and all the fish settled in, you can think about more tank-mates. You should just about be able to fit something extra in. That'll be for a while yet though.

What are triops? Do you have the scientific name?
a triop is kinda like a a cross between a ghost/glass shrimp and a horse shoe crab. they are very interesting an im pretty sure once they are adults they can defend them selfes pretty good. an they arnt agressive so they wont jus go lookin for trouble
i still have some eggs of them from my last tank set up. an ill jus use that one gal an raise 3 or 4 till they are adults they grow to about 2-3 inches. 3 is almost unheard of but its been done here is a link to a site about them. http://www.tadpoleshrimp.info/
The tadpole shrimp (scientific name = Triops longicaudatus, which are in the order Notostraca in the class Branchiopoda
i wouldnt add the triops...they r very sensitive and die easily....they especialy dont tolerate declhorinator....plus when they die they add to the waste in the tank.....and they may not be very good for the tbs to eat
yes tigerbarbs are very aggressive but I keep them with tetras and they do fine. you could probably keep them with guppies and most live bearers to
I would be hesitant to put tiger barbs with guppies. They have long, bright colored fins. i think that might end up looking a little too tempting to tiger barbs. Plus, guppies aren't very fast fish, so they would have a hard time excaping any agression.

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