Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

I have never heard of the swallow game, is that where people swallow live fish?? ????
All catfish are just aquatic vacuum cleaners.

The gulper catfish being the most powerful model.
I have no regrets
@NCaquatics I'm starting to wonder whether I agree with you about neons... do you know whether cardinals can be the same way? I added three male guppies to the 55 gallon community tank once, and all of them wound up with splits in their tails. Water was fine, and I hadn't thought it could have been another fish in there. The two loaches, maybe, but they they tend to keep to themselves at the bottom while the guppies stayed at the top. Mollies and platies were okay, couldn't see any other fin problems, except the guppies tails. Moved them back to another tank and the tails healed up fine.

There are six neons and six cardinals in there. I haven't seen them act aggressively, but perhaps they were the culprits?
@NCaquatics I'm starting to wonder whether I agree with you about neons... do you know whether cardinals can be the same way? I added three male guppies to the 55 gallon community tank once, and all of them wound up with splits in their tails. Water was fine, and I hadn't thought it could have been another fish in there. The two loaches, maybe, but they they tend to keep to themselves at the bottom while the guppies stayed at the top. Mollies and platies were okay, couldn't see any other fin problems, except the guppies tails. Moved them back to another tank and the tails healed up fine.

There are six neons and six cardinals in there. I haven't seen them act aggressively, but perhaps they were the culprits?
Zero experience with cardinals, my tanks are all a touch too cool for their temperature preferences, so i never bothered.

But splits and nips were constantly showing up on my cories. Heck, even my Dwarf gourami pair were constantly hiding.
Now theyre out and about again.
Zero experience with cardinals, my tanks are all a touch too cool for their temperature preferences, so i never bothered.

But splits and nips were constantly showing up on my cories. Heck, even my Dwarf gourami pair were constantly hiding.
Now theyre out and about again.
I'm eyeballing those neons very suspiciously lately... side eyeing the tank hard...
Zero experience with cardinals, my tanks are all a touch too cool for their temperature preferences, so i never bothered.

But splits and nips were constantly showing up on my cories. Heck, even my Dwarf gourami pair were constantly hiding.
Now theyre out and about again.
Hmm. I wondered whether it might be the gourami that's in there honestly, but it's a little honey gourami, and it spends nearly all its time hiding in the surface plants too. I used to think he was picking off the fry, but if he is, he's doing a terrible job of it, there's billions (slight hyperbole).
Another unpopular opinion: I think domesticated fish (Bettas, angelfish, discus, etc.) are unattractive compared to their wild counterparts.
Or just the wild phenotypes too.

I miss my wild phenotype splendens. She was just something else, looks wise.

My koi girl now is gorgeous and all, but there was just something so incredibly special about my old wild girl.

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