Uk Election

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I think there should be a politics section on this forum.

Only if you like flame wars and lots of bans :D Political forums require a more adult approach than is available here (both in terms of what is allowed to be said, and in the approach of the members to the subject) as they rapidly descend into yes-no arguments and mud slinging.

A bit off topic, but on this, one of the things the moderating team decided not to disallow in General Chat was political topics. We felt that if the members were adult enough to have a reasonable political discussion there was no reason it should not be allowed.

On that point, I would like to complement everyone on an adult, well behaved, and quite educational political discussion. :good:

Thank You!
The last person to enter the Houses of Parliament with honest intentions was Guy Fawkes...

indeed so! :good: Parliamentary Democracy does, however, have the virtue of not being, inherently corrupt. (as Presidential Democracy's, tend, to be.) That's not to say those who seek office, there, aren't tough.

personally, i think. if the conservatives couldn't win this, of all elections, the public has had its say. most of the UK population, has never had it so good, (to coin a phrase) over the last 13 years. yet you would not believe it, to hear them (many), today.

I would not be so "bullish" about the result, if i were Mr C. he failed, and in a big way. whilst he, may, manage to form the next government (personally i doubt it). He has shot his lot, and missed.

I remember the last "hung Parliament". the Conservatives "cocked" that up too.

Thanks for the vote of confidence in us all , maybe we can talk about religion next? *joking*
Ha, my thoughts on religion are similar to my political views... Whatever is right for you.... But not for me thanks...

But that's a ground which can lead to no factual conclusions... At least politics can sometimes.
I'm pretty much there with you on those points Chris, I am normally not so bothered about politics and definitely don't put any time into religion (except when I object to teaching christianity to my 6yr old in school without concent, then it's a matter of concent full stop).

It's just this hung parliament / recession stuff that got me thinking I need to get involved this time around...the last time I voted before this election was when Labour got in 13 yrs ago, when I voted Conservative...Nowadays with the global economy and international trade/companies I think a country can be more easily shaped by the world and what is going on around it that it's government regardless of party...
I just noticed the politics more this time. It was my first time voting, and I've learnt a lot through the process.

Someone mentioned a quote saying about show me an old lib dem, young Tory...
I think it's probably less about the actual age than the situations people tend to be in at certain stages of their life. How many older people earn £14k a year or less? How many younger eople earn £50k a year or more? I think that sort of thing makes more difference than the age itself.

Just found a good explanation of AV, the new voting system that is wanted by the Lib Dems: http://en.wikipedia....t-runoff_voting

The trouble is some people will not want to vote for a second candidate on the ballot, so it will either lead to poor second choice without much thought or spoilt ballots...I guess if you only vote for one party and not a second the ballot is spoilt?

One other point worth mentioning is that the Tories won outright on seats in England the English want them in without question so to speak...if Labour get in instead it will not be a fair representation for the English...Just to be clear for me I live in the United Kingdom not England but in this election the English votes thing has to be part of the decision...
to be fair, changing governments, at this time, is like changing deck chairs on the Titanic. the way or country is run, financially, the government has little control over our economy. that's handled by the most corrupt group of individuals, in the world, big business. who make Politicians look like saints.

take the last government. the country, though over reliant on "financial services". was in the best (financial) shape for more than 30 years. and we had the lowest debt, the highest (per capita) spend. yet the greed of the financial sector (world wide) sent the whole world into this downward spiral.

the warning is there. this all started with the last Conservative government. though Labour is guilty of, not correcting some problems. they could not. because we have all got too greedy. if they had suggested fixes. they would have lost an election , by now.
I agree that elections would be better no happening now, blame the constitution for that I guess, times up by mid year isn't it?

Wasn't it Labour who said recently that the economic success of this country is centred around "the city" and the financial services sector there in? I wish I could find the quote, it was in the news within the last month...edit: Mandelsons words:

Let's be fair, no one party is better at running the country than another, you may argue one case against the tories, and I could argue an equivalent case against Labour...they all have short comings with one area in the attempt to prioritise for others that they feel are more important. Commerce for the tories, Social welfare for Labour in very very simple terms.

From Reading that, usually you can mark as many or as few as you like.

Except in certain situations I think, when the second vote is required...I need to read it more thoroughly but I should be working :)
edit: Just had another read and you're right, just down to whether people decide to put a second, third etc candidate down, but then if that is taken into account it is important for all voters to put in all options even if it's simply an opposing party to the one they don't want in....not liking it myself.

the BBC have a good article on voting systems:
wait so the torys are liberal?

They are more liberal than the parties in the USA. The USA is a very right wing country (noticed by its love of small government and welcoming of enterprise) which is one of the reasons it has some problems dealing with Europe which is usually more left wing than the UK. It is another reason for the USA liking the UK as a stepping stone into Europe (as well as the common language).

O and non offense taking I have no clue whats going on over there the news coverage is....sketchy it seems all I hear about is terrorist and protest,economic down falls,etc..but not much on politics but I find them very interesting.

And I also like how this thread has remained rather civil.

The coverage is so bad I didn't even know the election was happening till the day before,and I have the reputation of a news junkie,Also i can't wait for our mid-term elections in November things will be interesting,Cant wait to see how many seats my dems will win "smack wood for me please"

I can recommend taking a look at the BBC which is fairly neutral (there are laws stating it must be). I also tend to read the Guardian website as it is well written, but it is unashamedly left wing.

to be fair, changing governments, at this time, is like changing deck chairs on the Titanic. the way or country is run, financially, the government has little control over our economy. that's handled by the most corrupt group of individuals, in the world, big business. who make Politicians look like saints.

I would disagree here on the basis that the level of taxation I pay on my earnings is very important to me. The same goes for ID cards and I just can't trust the Labour party enough not to try and introduce longer pre-charge detention in the future if they get back in power.

the warning is there. this all started with the last Conservative government. though Labour is guilty of, not correcting some problems. they could not. because we have all got too greedy. if they had suggested fixes. they would have lost an election , by now.

You could argue that it all started with the Labour governments in the 1970s putting us into such a bad shape that we needed the actions of the Thatcher government to try and get the country sorted out again ;)
Its a sham Gordon Brown didn't resign before the election, might have had a better chance of staying in.
That is that then, Gordon Brown is on his way to Buckingham Palace to formally resign as prime minister.

The Conservatives are now to be given power.

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