Tyler's 29Gal. Tank Project!

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I've done some lurking on youtube, checking out various tank set ups and looking into fish I like. There was one tank on there (that I can't seem to find again) that was jaw-dropping. It was a 125G FOWLR, and he had large black clownfish in there. I can't find anything on liveaquaria that resembles them. Are they just a black clownfish? I may be interested in them if they get along with angels and tangs???


Forgot to remind you to get some more picts when they get comfortable in their new home!! :D
Do you mean these guys?>>>>


They tend to be a bit orange when young and the juveniles have orange mouths (like mine) but then they go all black (or retain a tiny bit of yellowish colouration around the mouths)
OOH they are lovely Tyler. My favourite type. :hyper:

Are you sure they are from SA? They look more like the Australian/Pacific Island ones to me.
They just received the shipment in on Wednesday. They told me over the phone they were SA and also the display tank they were in was marked SA black clowns. So to the best of my knowledge... hehe they are SA

The clowns are still juvenile, but getting there. The smaller one is definitely more orange, but you can easily see the orange under their black. So still young =)


Short video of the tank as of about noon Mountain Standard Time. Enjoy!

Don't mind the music LOL and watch FULL SCREEN!
yeah the black clowns are lovely well in
Tanks looking good mate! Love the royal gramma. When are u getting a nice big anemone for your clowns?
Dunno about that mate, I had a 29G tank myself and kept 2 BTAs successfully in them, the rose one is in my current setup. Once u get the lighting requirements, make sure your water is stable and clean, cover your powerheads for it's roaming phase, you should be fine. Never had a problem with BTA's in my old tank, always ate well and opened up nicely. The lighting is really the issue (as well as appropriate flow), there's a few of us on here with tanks <130L that have kept BTAs. But you're most definitely right in making sure your system is mature first (and you get the appropriate lighting).
Dunno about that mate, I had a 29G tank myself and kept 2 BTAs successfully in them, the rose one is in my current setup. Once u get the lighting requirements, make sure your water is stable and clean, cover your powerheads for it's roaming phase, you should be fine. Never had a problem with BTA's in my old tank, always ate well and opened up nicely. The lighting is really the issue (as well as appropriate flow), there's a few of us on here with tanks <130L that have kept BTAs. But you're most definitely right in making sure your system is mature first (and you get the appropriate lighting).

Nice. It is a very pretty anemone. I would love to get one, I just do not have the means to move to Metal Halides. Right now I have 4X T5HO's which is fairly nice for what I have and everything is growing really nicely =)


I need to do a full range of tests on the tank, but I have been SO busy with school. Tonight I start a 10 hour binge of studying. Work/study/eat/sleep, haha.

I freaked out yesterday thinking my ammonia was .50ppm! I tested and was like WTH?!?!?! So, long story short, I used the feeding tube (turkey baster for tank only) to suck up the test water.... ya don't do that. My water was fine and the ammonia was 0ppm.

I found some tiny, what appear to be feather dusters/zoas in a small colony of about 4 on a rock. I have never seen anything here before. It was not touched by plugs that came in, so these guys just must have matured over time? Who knows, I will try to get a photo, but the direct shot is right behind the Xenia coral lol.

Tank is good, everyone is happy. No fighting. Everything is growing. I love my tank!

tanks coming along nicely. thats a great shot of the duncan, they look so much better in natural light. nice clowns too.

i would put the gsp on a rock that you can easily move as theyr a pain when they start taking over and spreading to numerous rocks. i have 3 colonies in my tank that started as one and iv sold another 2 or 3 on. i like the look of them but they grow so fast.
I will keep that in mind. It is on a fairly large rock atm. Maybe I should move it to something else. Is there a way to contain it? I don't want it to take over the tank.


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