Toms 240l Planted Journal

tank full of water, filter switched on, dechlor added, will wait another 30 mins then add some ammonia

another question

if the 2 black lid pannels arnt on, the lights give off alot of light out of the top. would it be worth painting the underside of the planels white so when they are on the reflect some light back into the water?

or is there something better i could do?
it will help, and uite a few people paint the whole of the underside hood white in order to get maximum reflection.
I dont see why you would have the black panels off anyway though?
no the will always be on. im jut saying that to emphaise how much light would be hitting the underside of the lid when the panels are on

any specific paint? obviously not emulsion
ok added 5ml of ammonis about 30 mins ago and just tested and got this result

so you think that is 2 or 4? i cant really tell, i think though it is more towards 2 so i have added 1ml more. will test again in a bit
Are you adding plants yet?
If not, don't have the light on. Fishless cycles without plants should be done in the dark.
yeah lights are just on for the picture

plants will be added when i have to do the big water change at the end of the cycle
i'm using mirrored or white fablon for the underside of my lids on my rio 240 for reflection wheni set it up

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