Toms 240l Planted Journal

yeah, well i would still be doing 50% changes every week if not 2 30%. thats what im currently doing.
oh rite ok, well i will do a big water change then put the plants in and refil. alot of the plants will be attached to rocks so i will do that before i put them in the tank.

is it ok so cycle a filter without dechlorinating water? it seems a waste of dechlor adding it when no fish will be in there?

also anyone know where i can get ammonia? i tried b&q but they dont have it
oh rite ok, well i will do a big water change then put the plants in and refil. alot of the plants will be attached to rocks so i will do that before i put them in the tank.

is it ok so cycle a filter without dechlorinating water? it seems a waste of dechlor adding it when no fish will be in there?

also anyone know where i can get ammonia? i tried b&q but they dont have it
as long as your water doesnt contain chlormine it will gas off, try homebase or boots
boots sell liquid ammonia. might have to get an adult to get it (if your under 18 that is) tho as they get a bit suspicious, think you are going to drink it or something!
just read up on fishless cycling. it says at the end you get a nitrite spike, clouding the water and says you should do a large water change?
just read up on fishless cycling. it says at the end you get a nitrite spike, clouding the water and says you should do a large water change?
nitrite spike is the middle part, you may get a bacterial boom that clouds water but that doesnt always happen and never had with me
You will need to do a large water change to dilute nitrates, not sure why truck is advising not to but if you adding fish then the lower the nitrates the better.
thats what i was thinking

is it ok to have the filter outlet next to the filter intake? its just i want them as much out of sight as i can get them and the tubs only reach so far
You will need to do a large water change to dilute nitrates, not sure why truck is advising not to but if you adding fish then the lower the nitrates the better.
yeah i didnt read the first post properly, the reason i said only on marine tanks is because we normally do a large water change to make sure that our bacs are doing what they should be and you dont need to do this on a FW tank.

i best go to bed lol
i emptied the tank today because it hadnt cleared over night and i needed to add the sand. it is now filled back up and the filter is on. it is still very merky but should clear now the filter is working. i will then try and get the ammonia this week, and start the fishless cycle. i will make sure i have all the plants and decor ready at the end of the cycle to put in then fill it back up, wait a day or two then get some fish!

heres a pic of me emptying the tank. pythons are a waste of money! i just use a hose pipe attaches to the tap, turn the tap on and the tank fills. then to empty it just suc on the hose till water comes out!


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