Tl550 Nano In The Making!

Hi Trod !

hey ty for the support!! hehe well ive saw an AD on Ebay for a cuc
it consists of
Clean up Crew
Caribbean collection
5 Astra Turbo snails

5 Cerith litteratum

5 Nassarius vibex

10 blue hermits

2 Red leg hermits

all for £28..+£12 pp

wot u guys reckon?

ty as always
hang on --------- Ammonia is at o.50 and you did a big water change, sorry to disagree with my little sis but you need to wait a few days, test again and see what you get :good:

CUC sounds fine, so we can agree on that one :nod:

Seffie x

OK i aint oin no hurry!
i can wait for ages if it takes it but u see i have a problem!!!

This Tester kit !! arghhhhhhhh!! it dont give good readings!! its an Api .....

What the Best Test kit on the Market? does it read precise?


Hi folks !! :good:

Update time!

48hrs after Large water change here are the test results!

Ok i had a friend round today so i done tests got him to look and write the results down!! then i checked and compared results and this is what we read them as

PH 8.3
Salinity 1.024
Nitrite 0.0
nitrate 20
Amonia 0.0

so how does this look? :unsure:

And can anyone tell me what test kits they use?

Your testing does seem to be a bit hit and miss :unsure: Have you tried salifert test kits, they are very easy to use.

Nitrate is now high, did you test your RO water before using it, it can sometimes be high in nitrate :crazy:
Hi Trod!! and ty for perservering with me on this .!

well i have asked but no one has answered me!! about test kits!!
i personally think that the test kit is the problem!!

i will try to get another and compare em!
My tank is full of white things thousands of em all over the glass and the LR ''''
little beggars are taking over

Salifert Test Kits are the recognised norm for this side of the hobby M8.
Get yourself the main ones like
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, Magnesium, Alkalinity and Calcium.
They can be quite expensive but hey ho par for the course on this side of the fence.
Incidentally if your interested, the Northern Ireland Reef Club NIRC are holding a get together in Grosvenor Tropicals on Sunday at 2pm in the Marine section, nothing formal a bit of banter etc,etc dont matter if your a newbie or not your more than welcome to tag along. You may bump into someone who can be of more help. Quite a few members around the Belfast area.
Hi folks !! :good:

Update time!

48hrs after Large water change here are the test results!

Ok i had a friend round today so i done tests got him to look and write the results down!! then i checked and compared results and this is what we read them as

PH 8.3
Salinity 1.024
Nitrite 0.0
nitrate 20
Amonia 0.0

so how does this look? :unsure:

And can anyone tell me what test kits they use?


Ah, ha ----- this is looking better, do a water change, test after a couple of days and if your Nitrate is below 10 go ahead and buy your cuc :kana:

As BigC said, Salties tend to use Salifert tests, expensive, groan, but worth the peace of mind :good:

Seffie x


PS if you see BigC aka Colin at the meet give him a hug from me for all the help he has given me over the months :*
PS if you see BigC aka Colin at the meet give him a hug from me for all the help he has given me over the months
You know thats not necessary Steff, I was only too glad to help as I my self was helped previously only problem my Gurus were blokes so no huggs were administered.
So if you do see me there Kip please spare my blushes and no hugging lol (but thats not to say if Steff were comming along I might make an exception) :lol:
Hey hi Seffie BigC and all!! and ty!

BigC i might just pop along to it ..i must see if i can escape :rolleyes: lol joke!

a word on rowaphos!! do i buy it in the pad form ?
and chaeto? where do i purchace it?

so off i went to LFS and purchased Salifert testers they didnt have nitrate or amonia in stock but i ordered
them anyway :)

Last night i thought i was seeing things!! promise u wont think iam on drugs !! but!
i was browsing the LR when an eel type thing came along the LR i looked closer and no camera handy
but this was around the size of a cocktail stick and the diameter its body was white it had red snake like markings on its body and at the back of its head was a white patch oval like in shape ! ive looked for similar on google and that but! the nearest ive got is a malaysian sea snake lol heheh omg !! hope not

Probably just a Bristleworm if so thats fine, If its a Eunice worm then thats a different story and would need to be removed.
Pics would be handy.
Yes iam planning a hunt lol i will keep an eye out and camera is at the ready!!
it kinda reminded me of a kulhi loach but more snake like
Thanks again

Yes i agree the Hugs thing we can skip :whistle: unless its for a real reason :drinks: :)

oh btw i Googled Eunace worms ..and well this thing was smooth !!

You may be able to cadge some from a fellow reefer, I dont have a right lot as I have only a small tank/sump.
Tell you what, If your at GT today, make yourself known (NO not by comming up and doing that huggs thing) and I'll ask the lads.
If your not there I will ask them anyway and you can either collect it from me or I can post it.
Barring that I got mine of Fleabay, pretty cheap actually.
As for the Rowaphos. I just use the granulated form of Fe (white tub, blue lid) and wrap it in ladies tights and place in a bubblestop box in the sump.
Hi Big C and ty!!
well i might just make it!!
i mean i know itll be good for me to meet people
im presently hatching a plan!! lol


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