Time Travel Theories.

Redecorating a house was an extreme simplified example. But what you suggest is merely an extrapolation of the same thing. It's not time travel, merely making a model of the past - an accurate model, sure, but NOT time travel.
I should have put it as "time travel", but it's as close to it as we'll ever get if the past and future indeed do not exist, only the present being what we have available.

The reason people seek time travel usually relates to wanting the state of matter to be the same, in cases such as:
Wanting to re-live in a place that is now different / destroyed.
Wanting to see the stuff that was happening back then, for example, in their childhood or as a tourist wanting to see the way things looked and felt like in the past (this can just as well be turned into a virtual world, provided that we manage to simulate stimulus of each of the five senses).
Wanting to see the people that are no longer alive (or their pets, or an extinct species).
Wanting to avoid making a mistake / getting another chance (although this might be limited unless measures are taken to re-create those events accurately).

Who wants to go back in time purely to go back in time though? Time's more like a property, like dimensions anyway, or what ever to call them, but they are not material, they define a material. You could just say it's 1900 today and it would not count because the matter doesn't look the same as it did in 1900. What is time anyway? Isn't it a property (as in, something that belongs) of matter and where there is no matter (not even an observer), time becomes non-existent and irrelevant?
They say that the absence of an observer renders time irrelevant, but as long as there is matter, time would be relevant for frequency in the changes of matter. Remove the matter and replace with the observer, time again is still relevant because the observer (possessor of matter) can count the seconds / minutes / hours / days / months / years etc even though there is no other matter around the observer. (this of course neglects the fact that the observer could not survive in a place where there is void only).
The one thing that confuses me about all time travel theories is this - how would you go about getting back to the point in time that you left? If the multiple universe theory is true, the universe you left wouldn't have stopped - it would just keep going without you. Also, if you stayed in the future for too long (assuming you could get back), you would have to travel back to before you traveled in time. As long as my thinking is correct, it would be an infinte cycle of going back/forwards.

Another thing about most time travel theories is that destiny/fate would have to be real in order for it to be the "future." Otherwise the future wouldn't happen the same way twice. For instance; pretend that you travelled forward 10 hours, and when you arrived in the future you got a new puppy. If you were to go through those 10 hours WITHOUT time travel, there would be many different outcomes that could've happened other than what happened after your time travel. In order for the future and present to be the same, you would've had to have the exact things happening world wide in those 10 hours.

I guess we're the nerd-buddies. :lol:
Here's my theory.

The one thing that confuses me about all time travel theories is this - how would you go about getting back to the point in time that you left? If the multiple universe theory is true, the universe you left wouldn't have stopped - it would just keep going without you. Also, if you stayed in the future for too long (assuming you could get back), you would have to travel back to before you traveled in time. As long as my thinking is correct, it would be an infinte cycle of going back/forwards.

Another thing about most time travel theories is that destiny/fate would have to be real in order for it to be the "future." Otherwise the future wouldn't happen the same way twice. For instance; pretend that you travelled forward 10 hours, and when you arrived in the future you got a new puppy. If you were to go through those 10 hours WITHOUT time travel, there would be many different outcomes that could've happened other than what happened after your time travel. In order for the future and present to be the same, you would've had to have the exact things happening world wide in those 10 hours.

I guess we're the nerd-buddies. :lol:
I agree with the "Future will not happen the same way twice".
Hence why I have included the replacement for the time traveler, aka his brother that shouldn't have been born / wasn't born before the whole reversal.
Thing is that I do not see humans being able to control time itself, but I can see controlling space instead as the answer to rewinding existence. I couldn't care less if my electronic calendars would show me that I am back in 1990, all I'd want is to see the surroundings looking the same as in 1990, along with the people and their memories tied to that year.
Now the only problem is that there are a few things that need working around if they truly are impossible to reverse (though maybe there is a way and we just haven't thought about it, without actually breaking the laws of physics but instead putting them to our advantage).

Here's my theory.

LOL! Hmm, maybe I should watch that movie. I've read about it on TV Tropes wiki and I have yet to search for it.

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