Thought You Api Test Kits Users Might Appreciate My Horror...

Poor fellow, I understand his plight. When the Dr. needs a sample, give me a gallon of coffee and an hour or two. Shyness shuts the faucet off. Was in public restroom with an advertisment on the wall, just a picture of a person and I dried up.
frapadoodle said:
Poor fellow, I understand his plight. When the Dr. needs a sample, give me a gallon of coffee and an hour or two. Shyness shuts the faucet off. Was in public restroom with an advertisment on the wall, just a picture of a person and I dried up.
Your still talking about urine samples right?
Funnily enough I always really need to pee when there's loads of people about. See, when I'm alone I can just pee in a bush but when there's lots of people around there are no bushes that shield view from potential onlookers. :look:

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