this is BS

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lilfishie said:
Thats just horrible how could anyone think of putting a betta in there but they do and why :dunno:
they do it because the dont no better. u cant blame them, u can blame the idiot selling them
this is what i;m going to send. What do you think before I send it...

"What the hell do you think you're selling? Did you think its a "betta box"? Hell no, thats a death box! What do you think is going to happen when that fish grows to big to fit through the hole 1 st of all? And you can not pour fish around like that! The stress could kill them! Also you can tear their fins and open a door for bacterial infections. In less than a 1/2 gallon of water, 3-4 weeks is WAY to long to wait for cleaning it as well. They produce ammonia when they release their wastes, and ammonia would be way to high to support life (healthy) after such a long period. I agree with the other person who emailed you, you need to take it off ebay, and go back to the drawing board!"
I hate to be a pain in the rear, but that email will probably get you nowhere, bigmick. It will just put the seller on the defensive, especially this guy. Bettamomma has already tried emailing him about his horrible tanks and he just brushed her off. Of course, it may not be the same person, but I bet it is. He's probably going to just delete your email and ignore you. I would go ahead and go the route of complaining to ebay and sending VERY nice emails to bidders to let them know about the cruelty involved in these tanks. Keep in mind, though, that if they've already bid, they most likely cannot retract their bid without trouble.
Also folks, another thing to keep in mind. I understand this sort of thing makes you very upset and you're very emotional about it. But when you email a seller like that, try to do so in a polite manner. Cursing at them will only get you a nasty reply, and possibly THEY could REPORT you to ebay for harassment. Point out why what they are selling is cruel or inappropriate for keeping fish in it but try to keep the emotions in check.

Just my two cents on it.
okay. I'll revise.

How's, "That's animal cruelty" sound?
If fish idiots are anything like dog idiots, just bombard them with a boat load of info and present it in a kind, easy to uderstand manner and that might do the trick. After all, they are idiots, don't want to make it too hard to read, they could get confused! I saw the second tank, and I was like, "Oh, what a pretty sculpture- I'm supposed to keep a fish in there??"
I just watched the video with sound and he sure sounds sooo interlegent :rolleyes:
I hate to say it, but nobody is going to react positively towards mail like that. If he truly is an asshole, he won't care, and if he isn't, you've put him on the defensive. You catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar, and that applies to situations like this as well. Perhaps explaining in a NICE way how inappropriate his set up is for a fish, and why, would be a lot more effective. Give him some links to Betta sites and this forum, and if he cares enough, he'll check it out and see for himself just how inappropriate his set up truly is. Like I said, if he's an asshole, he will just continue to sell his 'betta-hell' tanks, but if he's a good guy, maybe we can sway him to the 'good' side. Unfortunately now that his design is out, even if he quits making and selling them, I'm sure someone else will take his place. <sighs> :sad:
me and my mom watched the video..the poor fish..i dunno about you but it didnt look like a veiltail it looked like a plakat or female betta ..i am going to report him to peta and ebay ...this makes you just want to Hug your betta!
yea im glad i found that! i sent that to my friends mom and she cried :( i wanted to hug her... too bad she lives on the other side of town! she is a peta believer and is reporting him and some ppl from ebay said that he will most likely be suspended because they are gettin so many complaints from ppl because of him WOOOO!
thats such good news! Keep sending complaints to eBay, and if you've already sent, continue to send new complaints. Keep it up, and they'll prevent him from selling more of the tanks. that would be so awesome!
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Oh my gosh, I almost cried over that video :-( :-( That was absolutely horrible!!! That poor fish. It had lost almost all of its colors by the time he turned the aquarium light on. :-(

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