this is BS

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I don't even look at the tank or bowl pictures anymore. They are basically all the darn small for a fish to live in comfortably :grr: . I have seen this one before and I can't believe someone can have such little common sense to not think it doesn't look bad that you have to have a funnel to even be able to put the fish in. I can't believe they don't realize that it would stress out the fish. I bet these are the people that think that stress bars are happiness bars :rolleyes:
I do pity the person that buys this crap. All that money for something that people use as windows in their bathrooms :lol:
Ok I haven't written ebay yet, but thought I would start in a better place. Even if it only saves one betta in the world I guess it is worth it. I wrote the bidder to let her know the reasons why it was an unnacceptable tank and directed her to this site if she would like to know more! I hope it works. If noone buys his product then maybe he will quit making them~!
That poor fish! Plopping him in (with his nasty pet store water) probably damages his scales and bruises him. Poor little thing! Oh now I feel a rant coming on so I will spare you. But GRRRR
I would write the seller, and report to ebay, because obviously if the seller is selling them, they don't care, and most likely, they will ignore your email, or write back to you with some snide remarks. so, be sure to do both. :)
And be sure to include that bettas do not live in small puddles of water. They live in rice paddies that are quite large :p
Every LFS and petco around here has those.. and.. well, they don't sell, apparently people arent -THAT- stupid. most of the time they're on clearance. those are soo very annoying.
daudy_dojo said:
anyone with an ebay account report him!

I have one! Hoiw do you go about that?

Edit: like riogal, I'd like to know what to say! I'll write the maker, and the eBay people. They have already gotten a few nasty emails from me where I cussed them out over an account problem, and I don't mind writing over this. Someone should tell BettaMomma if you see her. Her inbox is full and I cant pm her.

There's the eBay contact page (make sure you give them the listing number). Honestly, I can't believe he would be so moronic!! That really does make me mad. I made my mom watch the video and she flipped out when he poured the betta through the funnel. Oh yes, why don't we just put all of our bettas in individual medicine bottles?! Argh!

Also, you can contact him and tell him how stupid he is... and how little he knows about fish. The ammonia buildup in 3-4 weeks in that "tank" would kill him. It probably holds a few cups. And for heaven's sake, it's a glass wall block!! WTF?!
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I've reporte him to ebay and sent him a message. I'm new to fish keeping but even i know that this is no way to keep fish. :grr: :fish: :angry:
This is a copy of what i sent the seller.
Hoe it is ok with u all:
"you are an ******. how can you call that peice of crap an aquarium. i watched your video. the way u treat that fish is totally unacceptable. you should be shot for that. you dont have a clue about fish keeping and your giving people who want to start keeping fish the wrong information. how can you do that. you sentencing fish to a life of misery. Fish live in lakes, not puddles. Please, Please, WITHDRAW THIS ITEM!"
Thats around the lines of what I'd have said. I think I'll say something along the lines.

What should I say to eBay's reps tho?
i sent a copy of what i wrote to the seller and just said basically he is wrong to sell them. Just say what u think you should

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